More Twists Than a Bag of Twizzlers

Today's episode is now up.  The plot thickens!


(spoilers)  When Malachai started giving me all these plot twists to work in I knew people were going to think it was me trying to spice things up, but I swear to you this is all Malachai and it was all his idea to turn Sockarang into a villain only to reveal that he is actually Dr. Stinkyhead – te adult version of Stinko who went to school with Axe Cop as a kid.  Yes, the plot thickens!

This is a special message for GIRLS who want WEXTER SHIRTS.  Please READ:

Girls, we wanted to get you shirts so we are going this… for the next 4 days, order the Wexter girl shirt in the store and it will ship with all the others.  It will be available after that, but it could take months to get to you if you order after Sunday, March 21.  Basically, we have a lot of girls who say they want girl shirts, but they do not actually order much of them and they cost us extra so it is not worth it to order many of them because so far they don't sell well.  So every time we order a batch of shirts we will order a small amount, but basically only based on what has already been ordered.  In short… order your Wexter girl shirt by Sunday or wait a really long time. 

At the time this blog goes up the shirt will not be in the store, so keep your eyes open.  I will notify via Twitter, the blog and Facebook when they are available.


EDIT: Shirts are now available here.


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