What do you want to see in Chapter 3?

Ladies and Gents, Ask Axe op #23 describes the two most awesome ways Axe Cop has ever killed a bad guy:


So, as we wait for Chapter 3 of the Axe Cop tale, I'd like to hear your hopes and dreams.  What character do you most want to see return?  What sort of bad guy or situation do you hope to see?  Comment your hopes and dreams for Axe Cop chapter 3 here.  I think there is a general consensus for Wexter to be in the actual story, and a lot of cry for more Baby Man, and I think we are all looking forward to seeing Ghost Cop in action.  What else?  I make no promises here, but I can make suggestions to Malachai, and I do, but he always gets the last word.


Anyway, have an awesome Wednesday and I am going to try to have something for you tomorrow, but if not, Friday.  Thanks for visiting the site.



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