I have returned from Calgary a happy man.  My first trip ever to Canada was a good one.  I sold everything I brought, I sold a lot of sketches and met a lot of very nice people.  You Canadians are a friendly bunch.  But you came here to read the latest episode, not me gushing about a great time up North.



I do have to tell you that over the weekend a new podcast got started called CHOP CAST.  It is the first ever Axe Cop fan cast and it's a lot of fun.  The guys who do the show do a great job and if you are a lover of the Axe Cop universe you will love this show.  Check out the links to follow them in Twitter and Facebook and send them emails.



Well, I don't know if I will be doing any more conventions until San Diego.  I have a trip to plan… a trip up to spend a while with Malachai in person so we can really get some writing done.  I have noticed a lot of people who read the comic are from Seattle.  If there are any events (or if a comic shop or someone would like to set up an event) between now and July that we could be a part of, let me know.  I know we missed Emerald City because it happened so close to Axe Cop's birth, but I'd like to explore the idea of a little road trip to Seattle while I am up there, and who knows, maybe Malachai can come.  Thanks for reading!



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