I arrived in my little brother's home town last night. My computer is now set up and a new page is started, but as you can imagine I am in a new environment. We had Zero Dean come by today and snap pictures of Malachai and I. He is on a trip all over the US taking pictures. If you have a moment, check out his web page.
I am pretty disoriented still… I am hoping to get onto a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule with the comic, so I will update tomorrow. Wednesday would usually be an Ask Axe Cop day, but I think I will do story pages on Wednesday and Friday this week.
My level of distraction is way up now that I am in a house full of younger siblings, and especially since this is the beginning of my first visit back since the Axe Cop Christmas that will go down in infamy. Bear with me this month… getting work done will be hard, but the big goal is writing.
I was interrupted about 17 times during this blog.