Baby Man’s Homecoming

It is a very silent, admittedly skim page, but it is a big new development in the Baby Man mythos, so here it is…



Bad news about CHOP! the Axe Cop podcast… for now, it is on hiatus.  I may find a way to keep it alive, but it is something I never could have done without James and John taking the reins.  James is a pretty busy guy and the podcast just wasn't accomplishming what he thought it would so he has decided to pull the plug.  Don't consider it dead forever, but it is on hold at least for now. 


Don't forget, the Axe Cop painting print is for sale in the Axe Cop Art shop.  There are still Wexter prints available too.  My Dad just framed the one me and Malachai got and it's a beauty.  See you Monday!



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