
If you hadn't been reading the blog, you missed the announcment that I am taking the week off to spend time with my younger sister Kaitlyn.  At the time this blog goes up we will be on the road headed for an adveture in Southern California.  I decided to see if I could get some guests to do some Axe Cop episodes for the fun of it while I took the week off.  I have noticed some other web comics do this and after a few people offered it sounded like a good idea.  So here is the first Axe Cop guest episode ever, by David Willis who does the web comic Shortpacked.



Check out more of David's work at his site:


Check out yesterday's blog for a new video update from Malachai and me, and also for the reason I may not have responded to your email and why you should try to send it again if I didn't.  I'll have my computer packed up for a few days here so there probably won't be another update til Wednesday.  See you then!



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