Nothing to Freak Out About

So, if you can stand to read a guest episode without losing your poo and frothing at the mouth, here it is…



This episode comes to us from Lucas Turnbloom who does Imagine This, about a grown man living with his stuffed animals in his dad's basement. Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes, only 30 years later.  Check it out here:



I haven't had a chance to read the massive controversy in the comments on the last guest episode, but let me clarify a few things.  These guest strips are something to do for fun while I am off for the week.  They are not supposed to replace Axe Cop, they are just filler… they aren't “canon”.  It's a web comics tradition to have guest strips when the creator is on a break, and I like the tradition.  Axe Cop is a very unique comic, it is pretty imposible to really pull off without a child, and ever then, it really requires the chemistry Malachai and I have to pull off. I think we all understand that, and we can smile and enjoy these offerings from other web comic creators if for no other reason, to support the medium and the community that web comics is.  If you don't like them then just wait til I pick it up again.


Thanks to those who have submitted so far.  These are the only two I have received, so if you want to get one in before I start posting again, now's the time.


Also, I will probably eventually move Guest episodes to their own section, but there is no time for that, this was pretty last minute so I'm doing it this way right now.  Thanks for visiting the site and keeping it's veins pumping bandwidth while I am away.  Back to hanging with my little sister… Disnye Channel, Justin Beiber, Lady Gaga… and lots of pizza.



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