Stone Cop

Hey Fellas and Fell-ets,

Today's guest episode comes to us from Kevin Coulston and explores Axe Cop's ancestry…



Kevin Coulston does a web comic called Stale Bacon which you can find by clicking the banner below.  As with any web comic I link, most web comics are not all-ages friendly so if you are a parent, check it out before you show your kids. 



I would also like to remind you that CHOP the Axe Cop Podcast had a new episode this week.  I was not present because I was on the road with my little sister.  Check out the hilarious new episode “Super Uni-Man.”



Now, onto some good/bad news…


I had said that I was taking a week off, but I wasn't really looking at the calander.  I have my sister until Thursday and we just got to California last night.  Also, a flood of guest strips came in at the end of this week.  So I literally have a guest strip for every day of the week next week and very little time to do my own- plus this is precious time for me with Kaity, so I want to give as much as I can to her.  So… I have decided to let the guest strips take over next week too.  There are some really great ones I want you guys to see, and you'll get full on daily updates.  The next week after that, Axe Cop updates will be back in full swing with 5 updates a week.  So stay patient and enjoy the rest of the guest comics.  Visit their pages, thank them, be kind.   See you monday!



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