Guest Week!

I know that last week was guest week… but this week really is guest week for reals because You will be getting at least one new guest strip every day.  Today's is this one:


This episode comes courtesy of Jason Brubaker at reMIND:



We got a new section for Guest Strips that sets them in their own category apart from Axe Cop Episodes and Ask Axe Cop Episodes.  You can find them under “Extras” or in the Episode Archives.  They will not update on the main page right now, so watch the blog for the updates.  Each one is coming out at 11:00am (pacific time) each day this week.  If you haven't kept up on why all the guest strips, this is why:



I'm on an adventure with my 13 year old sister Kaitlyn.  As you read this blog we will probably be in line at Universal Studios.  Enjoy the guest strips this week, and if you are one of the crap talkers in the comments section, why not take a break and see us on Monday.  I don't like seeing my guests disrespected, if you would rather have nothing this week go spend some time elsewhere until I am ready to continue.  Huge thanks to the people who sent in strips to fill the days, I have more than enough. 



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