Back from the CON

Wow what an insane 5 days!!  I have all sorts of stuff to blog here, but I know what everyone is here for, so without further adieu, here is your first page of AXE COP and Dr. McNINJA.



I had been asked for a quote from Malachai about San Diego Comic Con, and I tried to get it from him after we were talking about the McNinja cross over, so he just incorporated Comic Con into the story.  I see Christ credited Malachai for the story on this, which is fitting.  Malachai really took over on the story on this one. 


Sorry, the site is so bogged down right now that I can'y even get into my editor and post images, so this blog, which I had some pretty pictures for, will just have to be all text for now.

For instance, I was going to post this pic (which appears to be a snapshot of G4's live coverage of Comic Con) of Baby Man and Fire Slicer at comic con.


Chinashop came by my booth and interviewed me and took a bunch of pictures.


A great interview is now up at Vevant.


You can see Axe Cop featured on MSN's Daily Bubble.


And, I admit this is a pretty boring and rough video, but nevertheless it is proof that I was on the Dark Horse panel, my first panel.  What an honor to share the stage with Mike Richardson, Dark Horses's founder, Eric Powell (the Goon) and Gerard Way (lead singer of My Chemical Romance and author of the Umbrella Academy).  Here is the video.  I come in at about 2:19.


That's enough for now!  If the site is running slow, it's because we are having record traffic due to the McNinja crossover and all the Comic Con coverage.  I hear we were on G4.  If anyone has a video for that, please send it to me.


Oh yeah, more good news… all 5 axe cop pages this week will be McNinja cross over pages.  See you tomorrow!



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