How Juvenille!

Yes, Malacha went there…



Poop jokes!  It's the staple of every young man's developing sense of humor, and it's really a Nicolle family tradition.  I mean.. read just about any of my other works (Chumble Spuzz, Jesus, Sumo Poop) and you will see it “runs” in the family.  Of course, you can accuse ME of being juvenille, and it is.  But by saying that you are only saying poop is only funny to five year olds… which is exactly what Axe Cop is all about.  So rather then get all uppity today, how about you remember when you first discovered poop jokes and laugh with my brother.


On another note, I don't know that our parents know Malachai came up with this story, when he told it to me he sort of whispered it.  He knew he was being gross but he was having so much fun he couldn't stop.  What are big brothers for if now to allow their little brother to engage in poo jokes?  Telling him it's gross and inappropriate is his mom's job. 


In other news… last night's podcast fell apart .  John was not there so we were already out of whack.  James was having technical difficulties.  I was pretty preoccupied with the deadline I am trying to make… and then in the middle of the podcast, James realized he didn't push the record button.  So the 30ish people who runed in live got a private broadcast.  We'll give it another go next Wednesday!  See you tomorrow… we have a jillion doody's to defeat!



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