Fishy Fish!

It's been a long time since we updated the Ask Axe Cop episodes.  The good news is that we finally have, and today's episode features art from Plants VS. Zombies creator Rich Werner!  Rich is a big friend of Axe Cop and was cool enough to draw his rendition of “Zombies VS. Plants” in the last panel.  Check out a bigger version here (click to enlarge):


PvZ remains one of Malachai and my favorite games ever. 


Hopefully you will be seeing a lot more updates from us in the coming weeks.  I have plenty more Ask Axe Cop and story material from Malachai from this visit I have been on.  I want to try to put out a few pages of story and one Ask Axe Cop per week once I get back to LA. 


If you weren't at Stumptown in Portland, the panel we did was filmed and is up on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.  Shawna Gore, our amazing and awesome editor joined as the moderator and it turned out to be a pretty fun Q&A.  Shawna had recently found out that she was among the lay-offs at Dark Horse just before this event, so that definitely brought us down, but the joy of Axe Cop over ruled our gloom.   Still, just looking at the still shot of this video I am trying to imaginee making an Axe Cop book without Shawna there and I can't.  We'll always be friends but I really going to miss you as an editor Shawna.


Next episode should go up on Tuesday as usual, see you then!

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