Pocket sized

I decided to draw this episode because it sounded easy to draw and I didn't have a lot of time.  Once I dove in I realized this was going to be a lot more work than I thought.  I believe the way we wrote this one is I pulled what I had in my pockets out and Malachai went from there deciding what Axe Cop would carry around.  My favorite part is how we now have three new fairies who have separate jobs, including the keyhole fairy.


Well, I am not going to blog a bunch because I want to get this thing posted.  I will mention that I received an early copy of this in the mail and it is the most beautiful book I have been involved in yet!  I can't wait for you to get your own copy when they hit shelves in October!  You can preorder on Amazon or TFAW now (tfaw makes us more money and gets you the book quicker)!


Also, new Bearmageddon page went up today as well. 


See you tomorrow with more Axe Cop (barely) Babysits Uni-Baby.


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