Utterly Horrifying

Knowing that “the Dogs” is not quite ready to start drawing, I wanted to get something new posted this week.  I wanted to do a new Halloween episode but I have been in need of a lot of new material from Malachai on the new miniseries and I didn't want to spend a whole session with him working on something else and losing that time.  So I went through old answers he had given to me in the past that I had not use, and I totally forgot I had this haunted house episode waiting for Halloween.  I had him fill in a few blanks today on the phone and I got to drawing.

I know the one of the favorite aspects of Axe Cop is simply getting into his little 7 year old mind and finding out how it perceives things.  I love that aspect on this episode where he really digs into what is scary.  I think he nails it pretty good… in fact I think that whole disco set up would be an awesome start to a haunted house.  I think someone should do that.  I also love that the ghost and mummy need grenades to really fill out their scariness.  And the devil baby.  It really needs no comment.


He actually gave me a LOT for this answer so I crammed as much of it as I could on one page.  A few things I really wish had made it in did not, but maybe when I do my director's cut some day I can work them in.  For now, here are some of the other features of Axe Cop's House of Horrors.

-Pictures of Axe Cop chopping off heads on the walls

-evil Wexter

-A Ghost Zombie Mummy Vampire

-instead of a werewolf… a real wolf.  A real wolf is scarier.

-a zombie on a pogo stick with a gun.

-a zombie with a knife stuck in its head that eats its own brains from inside it's own leaking skull.

-a ghost mansion room

-if the patrons watch the DVD they were given of their traumatizing experience, their nightmares and uncontrollable crying will continue for an additional 6 months for kids, and 3 months for adults each time they watch it.  Constant pants wetting is also part of the trauma


Looking back on some of those I really need to draw them.  It just came down to fitting it all on a page.  A lot of Axe Cop stories and answers have fun extra stuff like this.  I hope one day to make a book of all that stuff, illustrated and presented in pieces just as bonus material.


You wouldn't believe it, but when I took Malachai to Universal Studios (thanks for the passes Dark Horse!) the ride he was most scared of was the Simpsons.  He loved the Mummy and Jurassic Park.  He was more terrified of that fake cartoon roller coaster ride than actually dropping at the end of Jurassic Park.  You will probably see the Jurassic Park inspired part of this episode.


I had mentioned before that my old books Chumble Spuzz volumes 1 and 2 were available at SLG for under $4.  These are full length trades that retail for around $13 normally.  Basically, they have too many and no one had been buying them.  Last time I told you guys about this the books went out of stock in a day.  Well, they are back in stock so please buy them up, because SLG is going to be throwing some things overboard and the ones that don't sell will be pulped. 


Well, hopefully by next week I can get this new story rolling.  The new miniseries has become quite a bit more epic than I even imagined it could be… it's more complex and hard to fit together than Bad Guy Earth and I have had to do a lot of struggling through the various plot fragments with Malachai to try to get it all to fit together.  I am excited though… I wasn't sure how to follow up Bad Guy Earth, but now I am confident we have a great follow up coming together.  Thanks for reading, and thanks for you patience as things have slowed down here a little.  It's all for a good cause.  Happy Halloween, and if you are in Southern California come see me at Long Beach Comic Con this weekend!



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