That Hat

The time has come for one of the more significant revelations about Axe Cop to be made.  Please make sure to read Ask Axe cop #73 (today's installment) before you read this blog.  Axe Cop is bald.  It's true.  I think it's rare for a hero of Axey's fame to be bald, but he gets away with it because he hides it.  Axe Cop fights a lot of battles, but sometimes he loses his battle with his own self confidence when it comes to that bald head.

Well, my plan is to release Ask Axe Cop questions weekly until we reach 100, so if you have burning questions, now is the time to send them in (please use the form on this page). 


Also, the official Axe Cop costume is out now and can purchased in various stores and right here online.



Thanks for keeping up with the Cop.  See you next week.



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