Still in NY

Hey Head Choppers,

I'm in New York still.  Today I am flying home and won't have time to update the next episode of Axe Cop Gets Married in time, so instead I am giving you this new guest episode by Tom Martin.  You may remember Tom's amazing work from Guest Episodes 31 and 32.  I love Tom's work because not only is he a solid artist, he works with the kids in his life to write these comics and really captures the Axe Cop style.  If I ever had the money to hire out work on another Axe Cop story, I'd hire Tom.  I love his contributions!  Also, if you have never heard Tom's band Lich King's song about Axe Cop, you should change that.  It's head chopping thrash metal:




Well, Malachai and I went to Mezco today to see the prototypes of the Axe Cop toys.  They look even more beautiful in person.  We had a lot of fun with the team at Mezco and Malachai gave them a lot of recommendations like that the toys should be remote control and able to tranform, throw fire axes and be made of diamonds.  I'm excited to see more of these as they are released.  They are doing an awesome job.



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