
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

Christmas Axe Cop Commissions!

I figured that I'd show off some of the Axe Cop related commissions I did during my six days of intense comissioning.  These are my favorites of the Axe Cop related commissions. (click to enlarge)


Axe Calvin and Dinosaur Hobbes:


President Towzerd if he was on a dollar bill (this was an Artist's Choice piece):

I did this one for a guy who said he collects artist's self portraits:

This one is requested blood on the axe, which is unorthdox for Axe Cop's axe to be bloody, but I gave him his bloody axe.  He also requested the bag full of bad guy heads.


I really like this one.  Axe Cop and Handcuff Man team up to fight some bad guys.


This is probably the best non-digital drawing I have ever done of Wexter.  The guy who gets this is a lucky duck:


This was an Artist's Choice piece, so I drew a character from the upcoming Axe Cop miniseries follow up to Bad Guy Earth, named Junior Cobbb:


This is another Artist's Choice piece where I decided to draw a character from the new miniseries.  Goo Cop!:


A little crossover action… Spidey takes Wexter for the day:


And one of my favorites… Baby Man kicking back in a leather chair smoking a pipe.  I did this for Matthew who helps color Bearmageddon.


That's all I've got for now!  If you want to see some other ones I did, check out the post over at Bearmageddon.  But be warned, that comic is getting gory and is not for little kids.


Christmas is coming soon, which is the anniversary of Axe Cop's creation.  It's always a special time of year, even moreso with the history it now holds for Malachai and me.  I'm going to try to get you a Christmas Ask Axe Cop episode the week of Christmas.  See you next Tuesday!



Two Story Throne

Today's page is one of my favorites.  This originated with Malachai and I playing together, pretending to be these cat brothers.  I was on the couch using my ipad and he sat on the floor below me and pretended to have a laptop and the two story cat throne was born.


Anyway, i am not going to type a whole lot becaue the web site has been having some odd database issues lately and I may lose this.  So enjoy today's episode, and if you ordered a commission, they go out today!



Fwinky Tornado!

I just want to give Kailey Frizzell a hand for coloring that work station.  She went above and beyond on that one.


Have you had a chance to get Munchkin Axe Cop yet?  Well here is a new review from ICv2.


Also, volume three is on its way!  It has a foreword by LOST co-creator Damon Lindelof, pin ups by many amazing artists including Rob Schrab, Jason Howard, Birdgit Scheide, Chris Ayers, Kris Straub and the first pin up ever by Mike Nelson of MST3K & Rifftrax (he filled in at the last minute because Skottie Young missed his deadline) I believe it is due around February maybe?  I don't know the exact date yet.  Here is the cover:



This volume collects everything through Axe Cop Babysits Uni-Baby, including all of the Axe Cop Presents stories, the holiday specials, The McNinja crossover and a selection of guest episodes.  It's a nice variety and is very similar to volume one in format, with lots of commentary and insight into each story.  It also collects the Ask Axe Cop episodes from 43-70.


As Christmas approaches, be a good friend/sister/brother/father/mother/baby and give the gift of Axe Cop.  I have just begun drawing the 97 commission orders today.  So far I have 20 done and they are some of the best I have ever done.  I have a lot of fun with these, I get into the Christmas spirit.  I listen to Christmas music, get out the old Sumi ink, my Winsor & Newton and some bristol board and go crazy.  It's a nice break from the Cintiq. though every once in a while I find myself trying to hit “undo”.  I'll post some of my favorites after I finish them all.  Thanks again to everyone who ordered them, and in case you missed the announcement, they went off sale on Friday and are no longer available.


I guess we can move on now and learn about these Siberian Witch Doctor Cats named Iggy and Willy.  Can you guess where Malachai got the names Iggy and Willy from?




Just been working on the upcoming pages of this story and they are some of my favorites.  This story definitely has its own flavor that is for sure.  It is another one of those, similar to the Ultimate Battle and Bat Warthog Man that could really go anywhere at this point. 


Just a reminder that I am taking orders for commissions until November 25th, so if you want one, please order now!  I have already raised enough to buy a new computer, so THANKS to those who have already ordered.  From here, whatever I make goes toward Christmas presents for the family.  Like I said, I will stop the orders at 100, and we are about 2/3 of the way there, so get your orders in as soon as possible, because you may not have until Friday.


And please don't forget to take a look at the store when you are doing your Christmas shopping.  It full of cool stuff.  There's also the Pop Funk Axe Cop tees and Munchkin Axe Cop that are sure to brighten anyone's holiday.


Alright I think I covered all my bases.  Happy Thanksgiving, have a great time with your family or friends.  See you next week!



Hey everybody!  For the next ten days I'm doing this:



Maybe you were, or were not around last year to experience my Christmas commission extravaganza, but I have decided to do it again this year.  Basically, I never sell original art/sketches/commissions online, but for the the next 10 days I will, and at a pretty dang fair price.  I do this to raise money for Christmas presents for my family, but this year I am hoping I make enough to buy presents AND buy a new work computer.  I have been using the same machine since Chumble Spuzz volume one and this one crashed recently and has been showing steady signs of death.  Plus it is just really slow.  I will cut it off at 100 orders, so if more than 100 people order before the 25th, the sale will end early.

The pencil commissions will be the same price as last year, but I have upped the price on ink commissions and have added a super snazzy option: Walnut Ink.  Walnut Ink is a rare medium that I love to work in.  It is a very rich sepia ink that you have to see in person to really appreciate, but here are a few scans of Walnut Ink Axe Cop art I did as samples… (click to enlarge)


Obviously the walnut ink paintings are more work for me, so they cost a good amount more, but as of now, no one owns one of these.  It will be a pretty rare and special gift and I'll do you a custom one if you order it by November 25th.  In any case, one thing that happens when I do these sketches all in a marathon like this is they start getting really good because I get into a zone, so these will probably be even better then if you caught me at a convention (and I don't do Walnut Ink at cons!).  So please, make your Christmas better, make my Christmas better, and make my family's Christmas better.  Buy a commission!!

Also, if you did not already know it, Munchkin Axe Cop is in stores!  Check  out this review over at


That's it for now.  See you at Bearmageddon if you are following it. 



Super Fwinky!

If it's not yet obvious, this character was very much inspired by Bolt.  Also, Malachai loves the movie “Underdog” and has been trying to work under dog into the script for a while now.  He finally got his “Super Man but a dog” character.


If you haven't been following the Twitter/Facebook feed, the first Bearmageddon shirt is now available:

I don't know how you can go wrong with an Octo-Bear t-shirt.  It's a great gift for Dad this Christmas.


I'm still working on that new mini-series.  We settled on a title.  I'm going to leak it here, right now, even though it won't be out for a long time.  The title of the Bad Guy Earth follow-up miniseries is: Axe Cop. President of the World.


If you read the Bad Guy Earth miniseries, then you know by the title that this miniseries will pick up right where Bad Guy Earth left off.  If you haven't read Bad Guy Earth, well, have a spoiler.  That's what you get for being a Johnny-Come-Lately.


Munchkin Axe Cop should be out any day now, if it is not already.  Also, I plan to do another barrage of Christmas commissions like I did last year, so get ready, I'll announce it soon.  I am hoping to raise enough for a new computer AND Christmas.  That is quite a goal I know, but it's worth a shot.  Thanks for reading, and thanks to Kailey for coloring!  See you next week (or tomorrow at Bearmageddon).


RecomMonday: Lone Survivor

I wrote this blog, then lost it.  But here is my RecomMonday for this week:



I was already in a hurry to write the last blog that totally evaporated, so I will just say this: look this book up, it is an AMAZING read.  I know that most of my recommendations have been art/creative related but the point of recommonday is only to recommend things, this I HIGHLY recommend.  It's an INSANE true story of one Navy SEAL surviving after a huge fire fight with hundreds of Taliban in Afghanistan.  The first half of the book is about SEAL training which is intense enough, but the second half is about the fateful mission where Marcus Luttrell went out with three of his close friends and Navy SEALS and only he came back alive.  My description is not doing this book justice.  It is one of the greatest true stories I have ever read.


I wish I had time to say more because this book deserves it, but just read the description:


On a clear night in late June 2005, four U.S. Navy SEALs left their base in northern Afghanistan for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission was to capture or kill a notorious al Qaeda leader known to be ensconced in a Taliban stronghold surrounded by a small but heavily armed force. Less then twenty-four hours later, only one of those Navy SEALs remained alive.

This is the story of fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, the sole survivor of Operation Redwing, and the desperate battle in the mountains that led, ultimately, to the largest loss of life in Navy SEAL history. But it is also, more than anything, the story of his teammates, who fought ferociously beside him until he was the last one left-blasted unconscious by a rocket grenade, blown over a cliff, but still armed and still breathing. Over the next four days, badly injured and presumed dead, Luttrell fought off six al Qaeda assassins who were sent to finish him, then crawled for seven miles through the mountains before he was taken in by a Pashtun tribe, who risked everything to protect him from the encircling Taliban killers.

A six-foot-five-inch Texan, Leading Petty Officer Luttrell takes us, blow-by-blow, through the brutal training of America's warrior elite and the relentless rites of passage required by the Navy SEALs. He transports us to a monstrous battle fought in the desolate peaks of Afghanistan, where the beleaguered American team plummeted headlong a thousand feet down a mountain as they fought back through flying shale and rocks. In this rich , moving chronicle of courage, honor, and patriotism, Marcus Luttrell delivers one of the most powerful narratives ever written about modern warfare-and a tribute to his teammates, who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.


This book stuck with me for days after I read it.  I can't begin to imagine going through what these guys, and especially Marcus went through.  I can only say I am thankful there are guy like this out there because if the military only had guys like me to defend the country we'd be in pretty sad shape.  Thanks to all members of the armed forces for your service.  We talk a lot about heroes here at Axe Cop, but real heroes exist and we should read their stories. 



The Dogs: They’ve Been Let Out

Ok, at least one.  He doesn't have a name yet, but he is a little English Bullpup.  Welcome to our new storyline.  HUGE thanks to Kaily Frizzell for coloring this story.  Yes, it will only be posting once a week on Tuedays while I work on the new miniseries for Dark Horse, but it will be in color, and it will feature all of those dog characters people seem to like so much.  Axe Cop will play a role in this story, so it is an Axe Cop story, but the dogs will get more face time than usual.


Well it was Halloween last night and a few fans sent in some very amazing costume renditions from Axe Cop.  Here are three favorites:


Kurt Larson as Axe Cop with the Best Fairy Ever.


Valerie Paquin sent shared this picture of Axe Cop and Uni-Avocado Soldier!  I am pretty sure this is the first Avocado Soldier costume I have seen.  I love it!!

and possibly my all time favorite just for it's “D'AAAAWWWwww!!!” factor:

This is Martin Garner and, I assume, his kid. He posted the pic next to Axe Cop and Wexter of easy comparison.  There was no official Halloween Costume contest this year, but I am pretty sure this would win. In fact, Martin, send me a picture of you and your son not in costume and I'll work you in as “extras” on a future page.  You deserve it.


If you dressed up Axe Cop-themed this Halloween, please send me pics!  You can email to info at or post them on the Facebook page.  You can also be on the lookout for the official licensed Axe Cop Costume at Halloween Outlets for next year… or just to wear.  Why not?


Well, I'll see you next week with more Dogs.


Utterly Horrifying

Knowing that “the Dogs” is not quite ready to start drawing, I wanted to get something new posted this week.  I wanted to do a new Halloween episode but I have been in need of a lot of new material from Malachai on the new miniseries and I didn't want to spend a whole session with him working on something else and losing that time.  So I went through old answers he had given to me in the past that I had not use, and I totally forgot I had this haunted house episode waiting for Halloween.  I had him fill in a few blanks today on the phone and I got to drawing.

I know the one of the favorite aspects of Axe Cop is simply getting into his little 7 year old mind and finding out how it perceives things.  I love that aspect on this episode where he really digs into what is scary.  I think he nails it pretty good… in fact I think that whole disco set up would be an awesome start to a haunted house.  I think someone should do that.  I also love that the ghost and mummy need grenades to really fill out their scariness.  And the devil baby.  It really needs no comment.


He actually gave me a LOT for this answer so I crammed as much of it as I could on one page.  A few things I really wish had made it in did not, but maybe when I do my director's cut some day I can work them in.  For now, here are some of the other features of Axe Cop's House of Horrors.

-Pictures of Axe Cop chopping off heads on the walls

-evil Wexter

-A Ghost Zombie Mummy Vampire

-instead of a werewolf… a real wolf.  A real wolf is scarier.

-a zombie on a pogo stick with a gun.

-a zombie with a knife stuck in its head that eats its own brains from inside it's own leaking skull.

-a ghost mansion room

-if the patrons watch the DVD they were given of their traumatizing experience, their nightmares and uncontrollable crying will continue for an additional 6 months for kids, and 3 months for adults each time they watch it.  Constant pants wetting is also part of the trauma


Looking back on some of those I really need to draw them.  It just came down to fitting it all on a page.  A lot of Axe Cop stories and answers have fun extra stuff like this.  I hope one day to make a book of all that stuff, illustrated and presented in pieces just as bonus material.


You wouldn't believe it, but when I took Malachai to Universal Studios (thanks for the passes Dark Horse!) the ride he was most scared of was the Simpsons.  He loved the Mummy and Jurassic Park.  He was more terrified of that fake cartoon roller coaster ride than actually dropping at the end of Jurassic Park.  You will probably see the Jurassic Park inspired part of this episode.


I had mentioned before that my old books Chumble Spuzz volumes 1 and 2 were available at SLG for under $4.  These are full length trades that retail for around $13 normally.  Basically, they have too many and no one had been buying them.  Last time I told you guys about this the books went out of stock in a day.  Well, they are back in stock so please buy them up, because SLG is going to be throwing some things overboard and the ones that don't sell will be pulped. 


Well, hopefully by next week I can get this new story rolling.  The new miniseries has become quite a bit more epic than I even imagined it could be… it's more complex and hard to fit together than Bad Guy Earth and I have had to do a lot of struggling through the various plot fragments with Malachai to try to get it all to fit together.  I am excited though… I wasn't sure how to follow up Bad Guy Earth, but now I am confident we have a great follow up coming together.  Thanks for reading, and thanks for you patience as things have slowed down here a little.  It's all for a good cause.  Happy Halloween, and if you are in Southern California come see me at Long Beach Comic Con this weekend!



Axe Cop in: THE DOGS

Well, I come with a surprise and an apology.  My apology is that the new story arch is not yet ready to be drawn.  I have a lot of the pieces, but I need to talk to Malachai to connect the dots and figure out more of the story before I am comfortable drawing pages.  So, I did this… I made this teaser image / cover.  The new story is going to be called “Axe Cop in: The Dogs”.  It is a story that starts off with the dogs (Ralph Wrinkles, Presty the Pug, Army Chihuahua and a new dog character) all teaming up and going on a mission.  The bad guys… well, they are Siberian Witch Doctor Cats.  Axe Cop does take a leading role in the story but the team of the dogs is also a big part.  That's all I will give away for now.  It is destined to be one of the weirdest Axe Cop stories ever (and that's saying a lot), but it will also be really fun to draw.  I have been working on the character designs for this one and have had a great time.  So this is your surprise.  I know I have never done cover images for online Axe Cop stories, but why not?


This is also one the first published Axe Cop drawing I have done using a traditional brush and ink.  I won't do the full story that way, but I am going to start doing splash pages in ink so I have some originals to sell.  This one will be for sale eventually.  If you think you HAVE to have it, email me your offer.  Otherwise I'll probably put it on Ebay down the road some time.


The other cool bit of news is that Kailey Frizzell, who has been coloring the character bio images for me, has agreed to color this story.  So, while it will be a one page per week story because I will be working on the new print miniseries AND Bearmageddon AND possibly another book I can't talk about AND other stuff I can't talk about…  so yeah, it will be slow moving, but it's Axe Cop's first online full color adventure!


So take this as a “coming soon” and a “thanks for your patience”.  I may be posting another guest episode next week if this thing is not yet ready to launch.  Whatever the case, I'll see you next Tuesday and be looking forward to THE DOGS.


Oh yeah, and if you missed yesterday's blog, you may have missed that I did a “Comics On Tees” shirt for Threadless of a Robot fighting a Sea Monster.  You need it!
