
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

We’re on TV!!

Ok something in the embed code has made these videos screw up this blog I have attempted to post (and have had to retype) about 3 times, so i am just doing links.  Three different TV appearances came out online today by some strange happenstance, so here they all are…


Evening Magazine (this one is so good!!)


Electric Playground  (about halfway through that video)


Hopefully that worked.  Enjoy!



CollegeHumor Loves Axe Cop!

You are probably wondering why you are seeing a fresh new Axe Cop episode posted bright and early on a Tuesday morning.  Well, welcome to the new paradigm shift, has joined Axe Cop's team!  Basically, we have partnered up.  CollegeHumor is posting Axe Cop episodes on their site, and we are linking back to them from our site.  We give them content, and they give us traffic.  It's a beautiful thing. Huge thanks to every one at College Humor for helping spread the Axe Cop love.  I encourage you to go to their site and check out what they have going on over there.  Car Sondrol, the man behind the awesome sound tracks and sound design of the last couple Axe Cop motion comics does a lot of the music in their videos.


Today's episode is DOUBLE STUFT.  I mean, it is twice the usual size because I loved both of these pages so much I wanted them to post at the same time.  This whole scenario with the unicorn and the brain is one of my favorite insane ideas Malachai has ever come up with.  I have been excited to post it ever since he came up with it when I was visiting him last Christmas.  Mice and babies… now we know why they have that look in their eyes.  They are constantly thinking about unicorns.


It's been another good week, especially on Twitter.  Big thanks to Brian Posehn, Damon Lindelof and Felicia Day for their twitter promotion of Axe Cop.  I'm excited that people are enjoying the Bad Guy Earth series, it's my favorite thing we have done so far and I am really looking forward to releasing the final issue.   Also, we got these new Bat Warthog Man tee shirts!!



I'll be at Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland this coming weekend.  I'll have some posters and books on hand and will be doing comissions.  I'll also be doing a panel with my awesome editor Shawna Gore.  Also, this just in, I will be in Lancaster PA at Franklin & Marshall college speaking on the 27th, then that weekend I will be in Anaheim at Wizard World.  I'll be all over the place that week!  Get the details on those appearances in the Appearances section of the web site.


Well this blog has gotten long.  I hoped you enjoyed today's episode as much as I did.  See you next week at our new time!



Bad Guy Earth #2 OUT NOW!

It's a big day.   Bad Guy Earth #2 hit shevles today.  Malachai and I got our early advance copies yesterday and sat together and read through them.  It was pretty cool.  Here I am on my second month-long visit working with Malachai on our next series of stories and we take a break to sit there and read the comic we created last time I spent a month with him.  Our hard work all paid off and printed into a nice little full color book, and just yesterday morning Mtv Geek named Bad Guy Earth #1 the best comic book of March 2011!.  After reading the full comic Malachai saw an ad for Dr. McNinja at the end of the comic and looked up Dr. McNinja on my iPad and read three story archs.  He is a fast reader… something like 187 words a minute.  He read a 200 page Hardy Boys book the first week I was here.  He loves to read, and he got all excited to do another team up with the Doc.  I need to talk to Chris.


Speaking of Bad Guy Earth, I posted the extended version of the Bad Guy Earth trailer on YouTube.  This is the longer version that was created for the Axeiversary event in L.A. at Meltdown Comics.  Dark Horse decided to shorten it for the official trailer, but I decided to go ahead post the full version because the voice acting is pricless and I think Hand Cuff Man makes this scene.  Here it is:



A lot is on the horizon right now… for one thing, Axe Cop's weekly release date will be switched to Tuesday mornings starting next week.  You'll find out why then, it's a pretty cool announcment that I am pretty excited about.  Also, hopefully starting in May, I will be releasing 3 episodes a week.  Basically, we want to get a volume 2 of Axe Cop done, and one page a week is not going to cut it.  Now that Bad Guy Earth is done it's time to dive in and start really pumping out more content.  Remember the good ol' days when I was doing 5 pages a week?  Yeah me too.


Also awesome… these guys made Axe Cop the topic of their presentation in their Storytelling Class.  Some impressive memorization and some very funny moments.  I applauded my screen, this deserves a look from any fan of Axe Cop:


What else?  Well I did another podcast interview on “With Special Guest” and I think it went pretty well.  I definitely got asked some questions I have never been asked before.  Speaking of podcasts, I bet some of you are wondering what happened to CHOP.  Well, it's unclear, but I know James (the Chop master) has been realy busy and has had to put some things on hold.  He may have to drop CHOP, but right now it seems it's up in the air.


I'm bummed too have missed Wonder Con, and especially this guy.  I will be at Stumptown Comics Fest in Portland on the 16-17 of this month.  Come and get your Axe Cop books and say hello if you live in Portland.  I'll also be at Wizard World Anaheim at the end of the month.  You can find out more info in the Appearances section of the site.


I'll end by reminding you that StickerYou! is offering custom Axe Cop sticker sheets.  You can set up your own sheets how you want and order the high quality stickers in the mail.  Malachai and I plastered our notebooks with them. 


Well, I hope you got your copy of Bad Guy Earth #2 today.  Issue 1 is just about sold out.  In my opinion, each issue gets better in this series.  Issue 3 contains some of the most insane things I have ever attempted to draw, I'm really excited for it to come out.  Also, the current story arch, Bat Warthog Man Can't Find His Friend, is about to hit one of my all time favorite Axe Cop moments you have not yet read.  I can't wait for you to see it.  Until then, thanks for reading.



Another Month in Malachai’s Brain

We've started another month of writing.  I bought two notebooks at Wal Mart and we put stickers all over them that we got from StickerYou!



If you haven't been to StickerYou's Axe Cop page yet, you should go buy some sticker sheets.  You can customize your own sticker sheet however you want to.


We raided Dollar Tree's toy section yesterday and snatched up a bunch of stuff to inspire more craziness.  I bought Malachai Kirby's Epic Yarn for his birthday and he is loving it, and Dark Horse gave us another stack of Little Lulu books.  Malachai loves his Lulu, so we read three stories each night before bed.


Psydrozon is Outside!

It's good to have you back Psydrozon, and after another enjoyable origin story.  I hope you the reader appreciates that I gave you a double-size episode in a week where I was traveling by car from Los Angeles to central Washington, visiting family and friends along the way.  Usually I would take the week off, but instead I crammed before the trip and got ahead.  I can do that now that Bad Guy Earth is done. 


Speaking of Bad Guy Earth, it is on the virge of selling out, so find it where you can because that is the last of them.  I showed my Dad Bad Guy Earth #3 today and he was floored.  He is generally enthusastic about stuff, but he was downright flabbergasted in a good way.


So, in case you aren't keeping up, I am currently up here in Washington with Malachai working on more writing.  We are hoping to write a few short stories, answer some Ask Axe Cop questions, and write a new miniseries.  Ok, well I am.  We'll see what he is up for.  As long as I can disguise it as playing he won't even notice.  Thanks for reading and for making it possible for me to have such a cool job.



Rooted in Tragedy



I love seeing how Malachai pulls from familiar story concepts and makes them his own.  In this case, we have another tragic event that created a hero.  Of course you don't know how yet, but you know that Army Chihuahua had a friend named Sergeant T, and he died.


I will be somewhat off the radar for the next week or so, but do not worry, you will still get next week's episode.  I will be traveling back up to Washington for a month with Malachai coming up with more craziness. 


More news… April 6th Bad Guy Earth #2 comes out.  For those of you who did not get Bad Guy Earth #1… it's sold out.  If you see it on a shelf, that is the last of it.  My understanding is that there won't be a reprint of it, so if you missed it, you'll have to wait for the trade.  I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of the story, I really think each issue gets better.


Here is something awesome.  Axe Cop is now at StickerYou!  Go to that link and either pick a ready made sticker sheet from the bottom of the page, or click “make stickers” and make your own custom sheet of stickers using various Axe Cop images.  You can size it, and even color it and add lettering to it in some cases.  The stickers are nice high quality full color vinyl.


Also, Axe Cop fan, Bob Harris made a custom Axe Cop minimate.  As I have said in the past, the great thing about Axe Cop fans is that even though no major video game, movie or toy companies have acted on making any Axe Cop stuff, they just make their own.



Hopefully I will have some fun updates for while I am visiting with Malachai.  I also hope to start bumping episode release up to two a week soon if I get enough content.  Thanks for joining in the fun.




PS  You will notice that we now have the blogs under the episodes to keep everything together.  We used to have them separate so that there were comments on the episode and on the blog separately.  We have made it so that the comments below the blog are for the episode and the blog.  Hopefully it's not too confusing, the goal, after all, is to make it less confusing.

Chihuahua Anger

In today's epsiode we head back into territory we have all been waiting for, and that is the tale of Army Chihuahua.  I love the more logical approach Malachai gives the pet chihuahua at the end of this episode.  Where most dogs would whine and grow worried… this little chihuahua becomes full of anger. 


Hey if you have not already done so, please go vote on the Eagle Awards– Axe Cop is up for Best Web Series and Best Cover (for Axe Cop vol. 1).  We are up against some of the biggest comics in the industry on this, so every vote counts.


We also had a great review go up at Booklist today.


Well, some of my plans have changed.  I am having to push the release of Bearmageddon into May, but the cool thing is that it will be in color!  I'll be headng up to Washington to spend a month wrting with Malacai very soon, and I hope that after that month I can start posting two episodes a week, or an episode and an Ask Axe Cop.  Onward we go!



Bad Guy King!

Not sure where it goes from here, but in today's episode we see the King of All Bad Guys for the first time.  I'm not sure if this king has anyone higher up in command than him, or if he worships a devil or an evil God… or if once he is dead, the rein of evil over the universe will end, but all we can do is continue to read and find out.


Here's a few links for the week…


I did one of my more unique and in depth interviews over at Travels of John,  a web site that interviews men who have been ambitious/successful in an area of life (safe to say they weren't asking me about my ability to perform gymnastics)


I also really enjoyed this podcast interview with Paul and Storm that I did.  These guys are hilarious geek rock stars who you should be listening to anyway.


Also, there has been a ton of great reviews of Bad Guy Earth this week.  Here are a few…


Cape Town  “Axe Cop is beyond a wonderful experience.”


Nerdage  “Axe Cop is action-packed hilarity”


iFanboy Pick of the week “Comic publishers are scrambling to find the next big thing, and the next mind that will change the way we view the form, and step up to fill the shoes of Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Alan Moore, Frank Miller, and Grant Morrison…  Enter Malachai Nicolle, age 6.”


Crave Online   “Okay, well, the search is over. I’m going to head down to my comic store and cancel my folder because from now on I only need to read one title: Axe Cop.”


There have been more, but I can only copy and paste so many links!  To keep up on reviews and other links follow the Twitter and Facebook pages!


See you soon.  Lots of cool stuff on the horizon.  If you saw Axe Cop on CNN on Sunday, you're lucky because I missed it!  If you didn't, it will be online tomorrow.


Counting Down the Days

Yesterday was a special day… it was once again Malachai's birthday.  Happy Birthday little brother!



Malachai is now 7.  We had an awesome time this weekend at the Emerald Cityt Comic Con is Seattle.  Thanks again to ECCC for having us as guests.  Wre had a great time on the Dark Horse panel (starts at 15:00 in the video):


We sold out of books early Saturday.  We met a lot of people who really love the comic.  One lady came up and expressed how much it meant to her she even started to tear up.  I never imagined this silly comic would have such an effect on people. 
Malachai had a lot of fun signing when he did.  I felt sorry forthe people who came by the booth when Malachai was there, but not signing.  When he is into it, he's really into it (he drew a few people some “upgraded Ralph Wrinkles robots”, I hope someone posts theirs online somewhere).  He liked to customize people's books and posters by adding lightning bolts and stuff to them.  He even at one point drew a big puddle on Axe Cop's nether regions and said “I made Axe Cop pee his pants” on a guy's limited edition print.  But he did it with a red marker.  “I made Axe Cop pee blood” he said.  That guy got a ne of a kind print for sure.
Well, the boy is 7 and heis growing up fast.  I'll be heading up to spend another month writing with him in April.  Feel free to leave him birthday wishes in the comments here.  He will get them.  Thanks for joining in on all the fun we've had, making Axe Cop is such a blast.