
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

the Plot Thickens

The tale of Batwarthog Man continues, and the plot inevitably thickens…



…in fact we may have to change the title of this story.  As I said I did not know much about this story when I started it, I am getting it almost at the same rate you are.


Christmas is coming and I will be announcing a sale on sketches/sketchbooks for Christmas time as well as a new Axe Cop/Wexter t shirt will be released very soon, so stay tuned! 


Also, the site was down today for a while, but it's fixed now. 



The Law of the Bat and Warthog

The next installmen of Bat Warthog Man Can't Find His Friend is now up!



Don't forget to join us for CHOP tonight!  CHOP is the Axe COp podcast.  It is hosted by veteran podcasters James Kennison and John Steinklauber and I join each week also.  We go over current episodes, riff and comment on them and I give some insight into the creative process.  It is generally a pretty fun time and you can join live in the chat if you catch us while we are recording at 6:30 pacific time.  You can also call in and leave us a message or a question and be on the show: 206-337-8138.  See you next week!



Axe Cop Halloween Contest Results!

Hey check it out, new guest episode by Sam Boyd of Hamstah Powah!



My apologies to Sam… he made this epic-sized guest episode and I kept forgetting to post it.  Well here it is.  If you like Sam's work, check out more…



Now, onto the contest!  I was really amazed by how many submissions came in!  I also had my doubts anyone would do a Sockarang costume, but I actually had a few submitted.  Lots of great Axe Cop costumes.

So, I am going to pick two winners here because I did say that the person who does a Sockarang with beard and guitar wins… so one of those goes to Nayib Nader:



The other winner is this guy:


John Davidson wins points for awesome choice, originality and presentation.


If you are Nayib or John, email me a photo of yourself normal and not in costume so that I can insert you into the background of an upcoming Axe Cop episode.


There were a LOT of great submissions.  It was really hard to only choose two.  Here are a few more of my favorites…



Axe Cop, Dinosaur Soldier and Telescope Gun Cop: the Team That Never Was, submitted by Joseph Dillon…




Jeffrey Campbell submitted this image of he and his wife dressed as Sockarang and Axe Cop.  I thought this Sockarang costume was pretty impressive:



Another couple dresses as Axe Cop and Dinosaur Soldier, submitted by Kristyn Armour:


And this guy wins points for having the exact same toy axe Malachai and I used when we created Axe Cop.  Submitted by Scott Zirkel:



And since we are on the topic of costumes, it is always worth remembering (in my opinion) the best of them all:  Baby Man from Comic Con 2010 (pictured wth me and Fire Slicer)…



Want to see more?  I put all the submissions into a gallery which you can view here.  Please comment and let people know how awesome their costumes are.  I didn't have time to go through and credit each image with who submitted it.  I have comics to draw!  Thanks to all who submitted!



Bat Warthog Man is Back!

Today a new tale begins… and it stars a super hero even more awesome then Bat Man:  Bat Warthog Man.  If you are not familiar with Bat Warthog Man, you need to read Ask Axe Cop #42.  If you are, you need to read today's first episode of the new story now!



The funny thing about this story is that hardly any of it is written.  Malachai started it one day on the phone and I wrote it down, but the ending, the firend, the bad guys… I am as in the dark on all this as you are.  It should be interesting.  It will be coming out at the weekly rate most of the time while I work on bad Guy Earth, so be patient, but it should be a fun ride.


Also, I know some of you are eager to find out the results of the Axe Cop costume contest.  This episode took most of my free time today, so I am going to post contest results tomorrow along with a new guest episode.  So, come back tomorrow to see some amazing Axe Cop costumes.  Until then… REEEET!!






Happy Halloween!

Today, on the last day of Axe Cop's special week of Halloween fun, we find out how Axe Cop himself celebrates the holiday…



The correct pronunciation for that thing he dresses up as is “wool (like sheeps wool)-vigh (rhymes with high)” 


Don't forget!  If you are dressing up as an Axe Cop character for Halloween, send me pics!  My favorite will get to make a guest appearance in an upcoming Axe Cop episode.  Heck, you might even get killed, who knows!  I'll make Sunday night the deadline.  Send all submissions to  So far I have had some great submissions including a pretty impressive sockarang.  I will say that the first person to dress as Bad Santa Sockarang either with chainsaw/unicron horn or electric guitar will probably instantly win.  I really want to see that.



Axe Cop’s Daughter

Today's episode complete's our Halloween special!



I'm not sure where Malachai came up with the term “dumb gangster skateboard” but I rolled with him on it.


If you follow the twitter or Facebook page you may have seen my post about this little girl Marissa.  I sort of worded my tweet funny and said “a fan of Axe Cop's daughter has a rare disorder…”  Well Marissa just mght be Axe Cop's daughter, her Dad Mike sent me this picture of her this morning:



Marissa needs our help, so please check out their webste and donate if you have the money.  Such a young innocent child having to suffer so much so early in life is among the most disheartening tragedies.  Please keep Marissa and her family in your prayers.


Tomorrow we have a special Halloween edition of Ask Axe Cop where we find out what Axe Cop does on Halloween.  See you then!




Ralph Wrinkles!

It's good to have a pet dog who can do the things Ralph Wrinkles can do…



I have to say to those who send me costume pics… first person to do Sockarang with a unicorn horn, beard, and chainsaw…. I will draw you into the comic.  I just really want to see someone try to pull that off in real life.  Remember to send your Axe Cop related costume pics to



Night Monster day two

Your second installment of the Night Monster story is now served.



Not much to say today that I didn't say yesterday except to remind you to send me your pics of Axe Cop related Halloween costumes because I'll draw you into an upcomin comic if I pick you to be the winner.   Other than that… see you tomorrow!




I liked the image of Axe Cop stealing babies so much I made it into a free wallpaper…

this and many other fine wallpapers can be found in the downloads section


Halloween week begins!

To celebrate Halloween I am taking a break from Bad Guy Earth to give you a full week of Axe Cop comics.  Today I give you part one of the NIGHT MONSTER!



A new page goes up every day this week, then on Thursday we find out how Axe Cop celebrates Halloween in a new episode of Ask Axe Cop.


If you follow the Axe COp Twitter, then you know I announced today that I would give the best Axe Cop related costume wearer a cameo appearance in an upcoming Axe Cop comic.  So, if you plan to dress as Axe Cop, or any other Axe Cop character, please send your best pic to so that I can see it!  My favorie will win the chance to be drawn into a page of Axe Cop.  I'm tempted to give it to this guy… I have been wanting to see someone do the Axe Cop night outfit for a while now.


See you tomorrow!




Axe Cop Brothers in the Emerald City!

It's just been confirmed that Malachai and I will be at Emerald City Comic Con in March!

Our first convention appearance together, ever!


Malachai, being 6, has never been to a Comic Convention.  He lives in the Boonies, and his Dad is almost 70.  It's just not the kind of situation where you end up at Emerald City Comic Con.  But, Malachai went ahead and wrote a comic that got published by Dark Horse Comics and took the internet by storm, then Emerald City Comic Con kindly invited him and his big brother (me) to their convention, and since Seattle is only a few hours away… now he gets to go!  This will be the first time we have BOTH been to a convention together, and will be a rare chance to get your stuff signed by both of us.  Also, Bad Guy Earth issue one will have just been released a few days before this convention, so you will not only be able to get Axe Cop Volume One signed, but you will be able to get Bad Guy Earth episode ONE signed as well!



I will update the blog and the appearances page as things unfold.  See you there, northwest head choppers!

