Reviewing and Riffing Ep 38, 39 and Ask Axe Cop 23.
Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4
The official site of AXE COP, created by a 5 year old and his 29 year old brother
The official site of AXE COP, created by a 5 year old and his 29 year old brother
#101. Episode 47
Jul 10, 2010
#102. Ask Axe Cop #41
Jul 13, 2010
#103. Episode 48
Jul 13, 2010
#104. Episode 49
Jul 14, 2010
#105. Episode 50
Jul 15, 2010
#106. Episode 51
Jul 16, 2010
#107. Episode 52
Jul 19, 2010
#108. Episode 53
Jul 20, 2010
#109. Axe Cop Guset Episode #13
Jul 21, 2010
#110. Axe Cop Guset Episode #14
Jul 22, 2010
Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4
Reviewing and Riffing Ep 38, 39 and Ask Axe Cop 23.
Axe Cop, obviously, holds multiple world records. In fact, he only says he has three in this episode, but I think he is being modest…
The whole “Red Bull” thing came from a day when Zero Dean and I were having lunch with Malachai right after he had snapped our pictures. He saw a Red Bull sign and asked us if it makes you go fast, and we said “well, yeah” and then we told him it isn't for little kids. Without really being able to explain that it doesn't literally act as a potion and give you Sonic the Hedgehog type speed… we just let him roll with his idea of it… that it literally IS Sonic the Hedgehog Potion. He will be sorely disappointed when he gets his first sip… but until then he will be consantly thinking of Red Bull as super fast potion.
If you missed it last night, you should listen to the podcast. I mentioned that it looks like Malachai and I may be making our first apearance together at Emerald City Comic Con. I also mentioned the exciting possibility of a panel at Comic Con with Malachai and I, moderated by Kevin Murphy of Mystery Science Theater 3000/ Riff Trax. It would be one of the coolest things ever. I have also been invited to a couple other conventions, but they are not definite yet, so when these things get locked in I will post them in the “appearances” section.
…But Axe Cop is here to help. Today, an anonymous reader just might learn the secret to winning the heart of the girl he loves. I give you, Ask Axe Cop Episode 45…
In other news I have been insanely forgetful because I have been so focused on getting issue one of Bad Guy Earth done (which I did on Tuesday), but it made it feel like Friday, so I keep fogetting what day it is. I forgot CHOP and I forgot to post this yesterday as I meant to. I also had a guest strip I was going to post on Tuesday and I forgot! So I will post it next Tuesday.
Reviewing and riffing Episodes 36, 37 and Ask Axe Cop 22.
The Secret Agent Brothers return this week with 3 more missions!
I loved doing this side-series with Malachai. As of right now this is all the material I have for the Secret Agent Brothers, but we are currently working on an Axe Cop halloween special which will come out at the end of the month. I'll be in the AXE CHAT tonight at 9:30 pm pacific time if anyone wants to discuss anything, ask questions, whatever. See you next week!
Today's guest strip is slightly off season, but it should prepare you for the holdidays which are sooner then they seem…
I don't know what you thought, but to me, seeing Axe Cop shaving Santa's beard off with his Axe alone was worth the price of admission. The guys behind thisguest episode are the team that made the new Arcana graphic novel Scrooge and Santa which is available in Diamond under Diamond Code: OCT100763 and if you are not a comic shop you can pre-order the book here. Josh was the man who helped me out by coloring the Axe Cop “Audactiy of CHOP” poster and he also helped me with some stuff that will be in BEARMAGEDDON whenever I get back around to that project.
Tomorrow you can expect a new episode of SECRET AGENT BROTHERS to be out, and though it looks like the podcast is off this week because John and James both happen to be dentallly handicapped, I will be joining Axe Chat tomorrow night at 9:30pm pacific time.
Last time I visited Malachai, my brother Isaiah came along. I sat and took notes as the two of them played secret agents. From those notes I took down about four secret missions. Today you get to read mission one:
If you missed last night's podcast then you should know that Malachai and I are working on an Axe Cop Halloween special. A 3 to 5 page story about Axe Cop fighting a Night Monster that will come out at the end of this month online. Meanwhile I am plugging away at BAD GUY earth.
Also, my brother Isaiah (Agent I in this episode) does a podcast about video games you should check out if you play video games.
I also have a new Axe Cop and Wexter t-shirt in the works based on the cover of the Axe Can we handed out at Comic Con. That should be out in time for Christmas.
Thanks for being patient during this time of infrequent updates. I can't wait for you to see BAD GUY EARTH!
The latest episode of CHOP! The Axe Cop Podcast is available! Listen in for exclusive information on the upcoming Axe Cop series from Dark Horse!
My friend Sean McGowan made this guest episode with his friend Caleb Hunt. It's very large and somewhat random, and it definitely made me laugh, so maybe it will also make you laugh. It's called “Book Cop Reads a Book”.
At the time I've posted this, the button up on the main window is not working for some reason… so just click the one here.
If you want to see more of Sean's work, check out his YouTube channel. Thanks Sean and Caleb for this episode, I love the concept of Book Cop reading to his enemies before he slays them with a book.
I have been working on the covers for the Axe Cop Dark Horse miniseries (the way things work you have to have the cover art done way ahead of the innards so that you can solicit to the distributors). Tomorrow, hopefully, I will have a new episode of Axe Cop Presents for you. See you then!
A fan named Mike made this Golden Wexter trophy. He says he it is going to be a prize at his workplace for something. I want to own this, and I want it to be made of solid gold.
Here is a video. I must warn you, the heavy breathing is a little creepy but it gives you the full rotation of his epid creation.