
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

How Juvenille!

Yes, Malacha went there…



Poop jokes!  It's the staple of every young man's developing sense of humor, and it's really a Nicolle family tradition.  I mean.. read just about any of my other works (Chumble Spuzz, Jesus, Sumo Poop) and you will see it “runs” in the family.  Of course, you can accuse ME of being juvenille, and it is.  But by saying that you are only saying poop is only funny to five year olds… which is exactly what Axe Cop is all about.  So rather then get all uppity today, how about you remember when you first discovered poop jokes and laugh with my brother.


On another note, I don't know that our parents know Malachai came up with this story, when he told it to me he sort of whispered it.  He knew he was being gross but he was having so much fun he couldn't stop.  What are big brothers for if now to allow their little brother to engage in poo jokes?  Telling him it's gross and inappropriate is his mom's job. 


In other news… last night's podcast fell apart .  John was not there so we were already out of whack.  James was having technical difficulties.  I was pretty preoccupied with the deadline I am trying to make… and then in the middle of the podcast, James realized he didn't push the record button.  So the 30ish people who runed in live got a private broadcast.  We'll give it another go next Wednesday!  See you tomorrow… we have a jillion doody's to defeat!



Let’s Go!… SHIRT!

How do you defeat a Baby Head Squid with a plunger?  Better read today's page to find out…



In other news, Chris Hastings and I decided to team up on this image inspired by his awesome “LET'S GO” Moment in the Axe Cop / McNinja cross over and make it into a tshirt!


Another team up, like the print we released, I drew Axe Cop and the monster truck, then Chris drew McNinja and added the color and design elements.  It's like wearing a high five between Chris and I.


Tonight at 7:30 pacific, I THINK we will be doing the CHOP cast.  You can tune in if you would like… usually I try to interact in the chat room before the show. 


My last bit of info is something I have been sort of putting off, and it's not the greatest news, but it's not bad news.  The news is that once this chapter ends I will be taking a break for a while.  I won't actually be taking a break, but I will not be posting material for at least a week or two… then after that updates will be probably only once or twice a week while I dive into the real work of drawing the exclusive Dark Horse series.  So yes, I will be working on Axe Cop, it just won't all be going up online for free.  There will still be free stuff going up, and once I have finished the miniseries we may try to dive into another big online story arch, but for the time being, the web comics will slow down so that the Axe Cop miniseries can get made.  I know some of you will have a tough time not getting your Axe Cop fix five days a week.. .but I think that you will enjoy the delayed gratification of getting 3 monthly 22 page issues of full color Axe Cop in the most epic story yet.  Plus, paper comics is where my heart is at and I want to go back to it for a spell.  Not to mention Dark Horse pays a little better.  The Nicolle brothers've gotta eat!  (insert fat mockery here) .


So that's the news.  Also, while I really want to do some more Ask Axe Cops, right now my focus is getting this chapter done so that I can ship all the files off for the trade paperback.  So it will be all story for at least the rest of this week, but don't worry, Ask Axe Cop will be back soon.  See you tomorrow!



Crunch Time

Your new page is here, the Ultimate Battle is upon us:



This week is my big deadline to get all the comic pages down for the Axe Cop web collection.  It collects everything to the end of the Ultimate Battle, so I really need to finish drawing that thing.


I would also like to take a moment to mention Scott Pilgrim VS. the World.  Apparentlyt it bombed, and it didn't deserve it, because it was a truly brillinat, hilarious and super fun movie.  I encourage those who have not seen it to go see it, if you have seen it, go again.  I have to admit, I really want Edgar Wright to succeed for a couple of reasons… for one this movie is awesome, and he is possibly my favorite comedic director alive today… and also because I really want him to direct the Axe Cop movie.  There I said it!  And no, there is no Axe Cop movie even optioned right now, but hypothetically speaking, if you watch Scott Pilgrim I think you'll see that Wright could do amazng justice to the Axey-verse.  There's a lot of great directors out there to be sure, I was just inspired when I came out of Scott Pilgrim.


lastly, if you have not seen the new Axe Cop Motion Comic, you should!!  It turned out so awesome, the guys who work on these deserve tons of praise for the work they do. 


Alright!  Back to work!!



Motion Comic Three is here!

Instead of a new page today you get a new motion comic!  This is Axe Cop episode 3.  It's the story Malachai and I were working on in the video I put online last Christmas.  If you have not seen that yet, you should watch it first:

And now I give you another work of glory by a group of very awesome and talented head choppers, Axe Cop episode 3.
If you were listening very closely you may have caught that we had a new voice actor doing the voice of Avocado Soldier.  That's Maurice LaMarche, best known as “the Brain” in Pinky and the Brain, but also has done voices for almost every cartoon imaginable.  Maurice was kind enough to donate his vocal chords to give Avocado Soldier that perfect raspy Clint Eastwood kind of voice.  He sent me a bunch of options to choose from.  Listen to this Avocado Soldier Voice Test from Maurice from which I had to pick a voice.


Animation/ Production by Promo Scape

Promo Scape is:
Animation: Glenn Cooney and Donald Lim
Title and Credits: Donald Lim
Producer: Tony Laughton

Score and Sound Design by Carl Sondrol

Narrator: Bob Souer

Axe Cop: David DeAndrea

Flute Cop/Dinosaur Soldier: Lee Gordon

Avocado Soldier:
Maurice LaMarche

Telescope Gun Cop: Marcus Irvine

Axe Cop theme song by Step Dad
Also, I had an awesome time last night at MindShare LA.  I may have gotten off kind of lucky because most of the talks before me were not super humorous, so the audience seemed ready for a good laugh.  Let's just say I was hoping it would go well, but it went even better than expected.  Everyone was really cool and I had a great time.

Monday the Ultimate Battle Continues!  See you then.  A huge fight is about to go down in London!

I’m Gone, But You Won’t Notice

I've been out of town since Friday to go to a friend's wedding up in Oregon.  I'll be visiting the boss (Malachai) for a couple days (in fact when you read this I will be with him and the family).  The pages are set to update each day this week,  but I won't be updating the blog with each page update.  Kind of pointless anyway.  If I have somethhing interesting to blog about I'll do it, but otherwise, just click that big picture up there where the most recent update is clearly shown.  I'll be back just in time for my Mindshare appearance on Thursday.


The Best Job Ever

It's been quite a while since I posted the last Ask Axe Cop episode… and the last couple have been mash ups.  Finally, we're back to a good old fashioned Ask Axe Cop episode about what the best job is:



I laughed all night long at this episode.  I think that the Bat Warthog is the most terrifying animal someone could imagine.  If you are one of the people who bought my Sketchbook volume 2 you will see a couple of bat warthog sketches in there from my time with Malachai recently.  I asked him to go through some animal books I brought him and come up with cool combinations of animals.  The only combination he came up with was the Bat Warthog.  He was convinced he had found the most awesome animal combo and had no need to look any further.  If you have not ordered my Sketch Book you should.  It will only be available for a little while longer online and I'll draw a sketch in it for you. 


Other than that, be sure to read yesterday's blog if you missed it to see new merch in the store, including an Axe Cop and Dr. McNinja print, and if you live in the L.A. area you can come see me next Thursday.  That's all for now!



Come see me in LA, and new Merch!

Lots to announce, but first let's see what's happening on Zombie World:



I really liked that episode.  I hope you did too.  And now this…



Now, if you live in the Los Angeles area, next Thursday night I will be giving a presentation on Axe Cop at Mindshare LA.  If all goes as planned I will be debuting the new motion comic there of episode 3 and I will go into the process of making comics with Malachai and the Axe Cop journey.  It's a 21 and over open bar event.  I should be selling some of my sketch books and Axe Cop merch there as well.


Also, in the Topatoco store we have some new merch in the store!  First there is the Axe Cop and McNinja on a team 18 x 24 print illustrated and colored by both Chris Hastings and myself:



Then there are now wall poster versions of these two popular Axe Cop images.  The Michael Maher painting is 18 x 24:



and the HUGE 22 x 39 inch Wexter on the Moon poster:



In case you are wonderng, the prints we have been selling in the art shop are high quality gallery quality prints made for framing.  The posters above are more like movie poster print quality.  If you are looking for something to tape up buy these, if you are looking for something to frame, buy the prints in the Axe Cop art shop.


Also… check it out, Blair Butler reviews the Axe Cop “Axe Can” from Comic Con on her Fresh Ink podcast:



And that's all for today!  By the way… a McNinja/Axe Cop tee shirt is on it's way also, designed and drawn by both Hastings and I, and it's awesome.  See you tomorrow when I MAY have an Ask Axe Cop episode for you.  If not, you'll at least get the next page of the Ultimate Battle.  See you then!





Today is a special day because the Ultimate Battle (or as I refer to it, TUB) finally continues.  It is also a special day because the winner of our limerick contest dies in this episode.



Yes, his name is Andrew Wilkinson and he submitted the most original limerick in the sea of great limericks that were submitted.  His stood out because it was made up entirely of sound effects from Axe Cop.  The rhyme scheme all works and it's pretty fun to recite once you get the hang of it:

Spear impale foomp lop chop bachow
Rustle quack chuck scoop chormp eat kpow
Shoonk shink pok jab shpt phbt
Hitch thud sock fizzle phbbbt
Twirl shiv rumble plop stab chalk chpow


Congrats Andrew, and may your artoon likeness rest in peace.  See you all tomorrow as the story continues of Planet Zombie World!

