
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

See ya Later, Doc!

So… you may have noticed I didn't blog this morning when the episode went up.  I mean, I guess I don't really have to.  But my excuse is that I actually did all the updates from my Droid phone whilst still laying in bed.  To be precise, I house sat for Doug T last night and was laying in there playing with my phone and everything worked to update except the blog.  But… here it is in case you are one of the 12 people who reads the blog…



Yep, the last page of the story.  It started out as a one page idea for a guest strip and exploded into a 10 page, 2 week event.  It was a lot of fun.  As someone who has great love for both comics I have to say that while both does their own thing well, they are a great match up and I'd love to see Axey hit that button again some day when he really needs ninja or medical help (or a combination of both).


Well, the weekend is here.  Thanks to this cross over I have been able to get a week ahead of schedule, which is a great feeling!  Up to that point I was basically finished every page on the day I posted it up.  Let's see how well I can stay ahead here.  See you Monday… the Ultimate Battle continues!



But Of Course!

It's the second to last page of the big cross over, enjoy!



Some people were  a little concerned about the blatant product placement in yesterday's episode.  All I can say is we reallly don't have much to gain at this point trying to force the book on people when it won't be out for months.  Malachai simply desn't separate conversations or storylines out in his head, so if we talk about books, then the idea of the Dark Horse robot book comes up.  To him it is all one big story no matter where we tell it. 


In other news, I did a drawing for the Riff Trax guys and they are engraving it onto an iPad and selling it in a Sweepstakes.  I wish I could have it!  Check it out:



If you would like to enter to win this thing, go to the sweepstakes page.


See you tomorrow at the conclusion to the Dr. McNinja team up.



Product Placement

Blatant product placement in today's episode…



Yeas, if you read the Comics Alliance interview with Malachai and I about our book deal with Dark Horse, you saw that Malachai proposed that the book be able to transform into a giant robot suit that can have it's own army.  So that got worked into the story here and is pretty genius product placement if you ask me.  Dark Horse still has not commented on how faithful they will be to Malachai's proposed schematics for the new book.


Two more days of McNinja madness!  See you tomorrow.


By the Book

some of Axe Cop's DNA shows up in today's episode…



In other news…  I was a little suprised yesterday to see that the Axe Cop collection  that is due out in December is already up for pre-order on Amazon.  The cover isn't showing yet, but trust me, it has a cover and personally I really like it.


Also, if you are ever looking for a horrible, VHS only movie to watch with friends and get a huge laugh out of… Never Too Young to Die with John Stamos is pure gold.  I watched this at my friend Eric's house last night with a bunch of friends and it was more fun than summer camp. 



Axe Cop is on a Mission

So, you probably know it already, but Axe Cop will be spending the week with his new friend Dr. McNinja over at his website this week.  There will be 5 updates, one per day until friday.  I know we said this was going to be a 6 page story, but we lied, it's 10.


Of course if you are trained to click on the thumbnail and not read anything I'll put it here just for you…


Another interview about the Dark Horse Comics news is up at Newsarama today.


In other news, check this out… we have new merch in the Axe Cop store at Topatoco.  Axe Cop zip-up hoodies and the logo tee shirt that I was selling at comic con.



I'm sure I have more news then that, but I need to go have breakfast, considering it is past noon.  Enjoy your second half of the McNinja crossover, I sure had fun drawing it.




Today's 5th page of the Axe Cop/McNInja cross over marks the halfway point in our journey.  Turns out I'll bedoing 5 pages too, and they will all be going up next week at Dr. McNinja's site.  So, happy friday and enjoy page 5:




Icky Goo and Skulls

Axe Cop and Dr. McNinja's team up continues…



I penciled out my portion of the story today and it looks like I'll be doing 5 pages too… so next week the story will come out daily on Dr.McNinja's site every day.


I also penciled out the rest of the Ultimate Battle and figured out we have 14 more pages left in that sucker.  It's quite epic, and I guarantee you can not even begin to predict where it goes.


If you aren't hip to CHOP you need to be!  It's the Axe Cop podcast featuring James and John of Nobody's Listening Podcast and me, all talking about Axe Cop.  We announced the winner of the limerick contest last night and so far they have not responded.  Perion, are you out there? 


See you tomorrow with Chris's last page for the week and the end of the first half of “Stolen Pizza, Stolen Lives.”


Monster Door

Page 3 of the the Axe Cop/McNinja team up is now up:



I think this episode featured one of Chris' and my favorite ideras from Malachai, and that is that there is a secret monster door, and to go in you have to wear two monster costumes on top of each other, because when you go inside they will x-ray you and they need to see you are still a monster inside.


Other than that I don't have much to say today.  I have to go do a bunch of chores.  See you tomorrow!


Let’s Go!

I would really like to thank Chris Hastings for giving me this week to get caught up while he takes the reins on this Axe Cop/McNinja cross over.  I think my host got the slowness issue fixed too, because even though we've hit record traffic today the site seems to be running smoothly.  Page two is here:



I'll get Chris back next week when my pages go up on his site.  For now I have been working on the cover for the big Axe Cop collection to come out in December… which happens to be the anniversary of the creation of Axe Cop. 


I have had a few people let me know that these episodes are titled “Ask Axe Cop”.  I put these into the Ask Axe Cop category because I didn't want to break up the current storyline.  Our site isn't really set up for all these different story lines and eventually we will need to go to a chapter by chapter orginizatoon rather than tons of episodes.  It's all part of the growth process.  So for now it is a temporary fix.  I put anything that is not the current running Axe Cop story in the Ask Axe Cop section including featured Guest Episodes and Axe Cop presents.


I found the clip of Axe Cop on G4, when Blair Butler visits the Dark Horse booth.  Jeremy, a cool guy, admittedly gets his facts all wrong when he confuses Wexter with Dinosaur Soldier… but I still think they did great justice to Axe Cop and it was a great little feature:



On another note… Falicia Day from that video came up to my booth at Comic Con and I had no clue who she was because I don't watch much TV.  I found out later who she was. 


That's all for today.  If you still haven't ordered my new sketch book  or a sketch from the Axe Cop art shop, you probably should because I am probably going to stop selling those things once I get going on the miniseries.  I'll just be too dang busy.  See you tomorrow!
