
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

Awesome Uber Alles

Keeping in line with the Axe Cop philosophy… awesome trumps practicality in another page of Axe Cop…



It's been a long day, and I am sure you noticed that I got this posted much later than usual.  Tomorrow you get an Ask Axe Cop, then wed-fri a new turn in the Baby Man (and family) hunting trip.  See you then.



Two for one!

I decided to do a double fisted episode today, to end the battle with Candy Candy as the weekend come upon us so we start fresh next week with the rest of the Baby Man adventure.  So, here you go.  I drew all this for you…



Baby Man truly is John McClane in a baby suit, and that is why I love him.


We have a big announcment coming (I think) next week!  I have been holding it in for a while now.  Can't wait!  Thanks for reading, and I promise you'll get at least one Ask Axe Cop episode next week.  The main reason I have been focusing on story episodes is because once this chapter is done we'll be making the first Axe Cop book!  More on that later.  Happy weekend!



Say hello to my little friend

Today we get to see another weapon in Baby Man's arsenal.  (Or is this the first weapon we have seen?  I think it is).



That guy in the first panel is my friend Eric, and it's his birthday today.  Happy birthday Eric!  prepare to die.


If you think it would be awesome to die in an episode of Axe Cop, join our forum and submit a limerick in the limerick contest thread.  The best limerick (as picked by James, John and I on the podcast next Wednesday) will earn the writer of that limerick the opportunity to die in a future episode of Axe Cop.


Tomorrow I'll give you the next page in the Baby Man subplot.  I'm glad you guys enjoyed yeterday's “Axe Cop Presents“.  I don't have a lot of material for another one of those right now, but I'm sure I will get more in the future.  I'm sure Malachai will be surprised to see that go up,  I don't think he realized I was planning on making that play-time into a comic.




I know I talked about a “Axe Cop Presents” idea a while back where other people send in stories from their kids and I draw them.  Well, this is NOT that.  This is a story I had sitting in my notes Malachai and I came up with during play time that was a break from Axe Cop.  He said “no Axe Cop today, I want to play something else”.  He wanted to play “Jack and John: Zombie Vampire Killers.” 


And so we did, and I made all the notes I could along the way and crammed it into this first episode of “Axe Cop Presents”.  I will do these sporadcally from time to time when we have material for them when I don't have a lot of Ask Axe Cop material built up.  So you get this instead of Ask Axe Cop today.  I hope you like it…



Also, Zero Dean posted his short audio interview he did with me.  Zero runs a web site where he travels the USA and lets his trip be altered and planned by the fans on his site (he also happens to be the guy who took those swell photos of Malachai and I).  You should check him out even if you are sick of interviewswith me in them.


And that's that… Thurday and Friday it's back on with Baby Man!  See you then.



It's a big day here at Axe Cop laboratories.  First you get to find out what the old fashioned way that nobody knows is in episode 45 of Axe Cop!:



Now, something we have all been waiting for a long along time… Axe Cop motion comic Episode TWO is now here!


The guys who worked on this all did it for free.  We had a lot of trouble with this episode because we had one guy start it and he disappeared on us after months of waiting, so we had to redo the whole thing after it was near completion.  New to the team this time around is the guys from Promo Scape who did those awesome Title and credits sequences and all the animation.  We also got Carl Sondrol who regularly does the sound and scoring for videos on  These guys all did amazing work and I'm really happy to finally release this video.  If you find yourself in need of any of their services, please look these guys up:

Animation/ Production by Promo Scape

Promo Scape is:
Animation: Glenn Cooney
Title and Credits: Donald Lim
Producer: Tony Laughton

Score and Sound Design by Carl Sondrol

Narrator: Bob Souer

Axe Cop: David DeAndrea

Flute Cop: Lee Gordon

Telescope Gun Cop: Marcus Irvine

Axe Cop theme song by Step Dad
Additional Photoshop Editing by
Dylan Marvin
Kate Welch
Jason McElhinney

If you are interested in helping out with Axe Cop motion comics, send me an email and a link to your work online.  Thanks again to these guys for their great work, please take a moment to leave a comment here (oronthe YouTube page) and thank them for this gift.

Boss Fight

The boss fight continues in episode 44…



Boss fight means bigger art, fewer panels and less dialog.  In web comic terms that means you don't get a ton of content, but it will work better in book form (and though this is a web comic, I always think in book form… I guess I'm old fashioned like that). 


Big news this week is it looks like motion comic, after many mishaps and problems, will finally be coming out!  See you tomorrow.


Axe Cop on the IT Crowd

So I admit I have not watched the show that much, but everyone I know loves it and now I have a reason to too…



Above is a screen grab my friend Catherine sent me who lives in the UK.  Ironically on the same day that Book Cop smited the British and kills their king, Axe Cop gets framed and hung on the wall in one of their most popular comedy series.  I kind of feel bad now.


When Axe Cop first exploded I got an email from someone who works on that show asking for a poster.  We finally got one to them, but I figured it would end up on the wall in the editing room at best.  This is pretty dang cool.  The IT Crowd can be on our team and I owe them a laser high five.



Happy DIE Day, Red Coats!

Part two of our Fourth of July special is now up…



And there it is!  I know that Axe Cop has a large UK following, so I hope they can have a good sense of humor about this.  Axe Cop loves you guys don't worry, what's done is done. 


Well… as you enjoy your fireworks (if you live in America) this weekend, remember that giant wave of fire that shot down from space and killed all the bad guys, and thank God for the freedom we all enjoy.  Happy 4th!



The 4th is Upon us Like the Pox!

I have been working hard on this episode all day, amidst a quick computer meltdown (luckily made a relatively quick recovery) I am excited to present to you part one of a two part 4th of July edition of Ask Axe Cop!



If you didn't listen to last night's CHOP, listen to it after you read that episode up there because it was a lot of fun.  You will hear us mention a new contest, going on in the forum.  The prize?  You could die in a future episode of Axe Cop, much like James and John of CHOP did in yesterday's exploding car scene.  We will announce the winnder on CHOP in two weeks (James is busy next week) so if you think you are up to win, you better listen in.


Alright, I need to finish part two of this thing so it comes out sooner than 6pm tomorrow.  Happy Die Day Red Coats!!




The Trouble with Free Cars

I am really messing with your heads.  I said yesterday that today you would get a new Ask Axe Cop.  Well, I lied.  I instead have the next page of the Baby Man sub plot in episode 43, continung directly from yesterday's page.



There seems to be a perpetual misunderstanding going on with readers about the Baby Man story.  It is not a separate story.  It is a subplot of the Lobster Man/zombie story.  Part of the confusion probably just comes from the nature of the comic.  It is easier for me to get content up at a more even rate if I have these two different subplots going at the same time (which will converge eventually).  It gives Malachai breathing room and helps me switch topics when one idea is boring him.  If we all held to his attention span Axe Cop would have ceased to exist probably an hour or two after he made the idea up.  What keeps it moving is finding ways to keep him focused, but having fun… that is my job.  I have found this to be a very effective way, to have two plots going.  In a paper book I probably would not make every page alternate between stories (and I broke that chain today by posting two Baby Mans in a row).  When the real book comes out I will probably put each subplot into more natural bunches.  If the format really bugs you, just wait for the book. 

I also keep getting asked if Malachai wrote the Baby Man story.  YES!!  The Baby Man story is as Axe Cop as any other story we have told.  It is just told without narration, so it is a different style.  If you really want an idea of what the Baby Man story is… most of the rest of it was written while Malachai and I were playing on a playground together.  If you imagine Baby Man and Baby Kid as him and I, it may start to make more sense…  for what that can really mean in this case.


I did an interview with “X and O on the Subway”.  Interviewer Alex Jones does sort of a cut and paste comic with an image of his interviewee being interviewed by an X and an O on a subway train, as well as by random riders (who symbolize reader questions).  Be warned that X and O do use some crude words and phrases, but other than that I felt it was a fairly unique interview.  Read it here.


Now… why did I postpone Ask Axe Cop?  Last night Malachai and I talked and came up with a massive two-part 4th of July episode of Ask Axe Cop.  I figured it would be most fitting if I let that episode be the last thing you read as you headed into your Independence Day weekend, so I am releasing part one tomorrow and part 2 on friday.  Each is a full sized episode.  I apologize in advance to our British audience… but I can't wait to show you Axe Cop's 4th of July special.  See you tomorrow!

