
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

Guest Comics

I mentioned on Twitter that I would be up for posting some Axe Cop guest comics by other web comics artists during the visit with my sister.

I won't have time to individually email everyone who is responding because I will be on the road and finishing up my trip… if you want to submit a comic, just follow these guidelines:

1.  No swearing

2. No sexual humor.

3. Violence is OK, but try to keep it in the same style as Axe Cop… not gory, think 5 year old violence, not 19 year old violence.


I will not be supplying you with any material from Malachai.  You can use ideas from your childhood, for a 5 year old in your life… or just make something up.  Have fun with it.  Mail your guest comic to and please include a link to your own web comic and a banner for it.  You can include an explanation of your comic too if you want.  I will post them in this blog area and I will link them on Facebook and Twitter and I will add any contributer to the links on our “Friends of Axe Cop” links list under “Extras” in the menu.


Banners should be no more than 600 px wide.  There really is no deadline, but the best time to get me these would be the first few days of next week.  My sister actually flies back home on the 24th, so I will have a tough time creating new content until then.  I don't want to take more than a week off, but even if you don't get it to me by next week I can post it in the blog later or save it til next time I need a guest strip.


I look forward to seeing what people come up with.  This will also be a good way to get to know some other web comics people… I have not had the chance to get to know many of you yet, I dove into this thing pretty quick. 



Baby Man's hunting trip continues today at the Candy Shop!



My Dad revealed to me with a sort of interventional spirit that this Baby Man story was not interesting at all as if by embarking on it I was causing the once great Axe Cop kingdom to fall to pieces.  Of course then I explained where it was headed and he seemed to have more appreciation.  He, like a few others, have asked if Axe Cop will ever be in “the Ultimate Battle” story.  Somehow I think some people are totally missing the Hasta Mia storyline happening every other page.  This story has been evenly split between two converging tales… one is more traditional Axe Cop, the other is this silent, somewhat creepy Baby Man story.  Some don't like both, some do.  I like both.


In case you missed it, the Axe Cop podcast recorded another episode on Wednesday.  You should give it a listen or download it on iTunes.  Thanks to everyone who called in, sent in emails or joined us live in the chatroom.  Also, thanks to James and John for faithfully making this podcast happen, it is a lot of fun and I enjoy it more and more every week.  We record every Wednesday at 7pm Pacific time.



If you haven't been a member of our forum, now is the time to join.  James from the podcast started one of the best threads yet… the Axe Cop graveyard thread.  Here are a few of my favorites so far:

There is plenty more where that came from.  Check out the thread in the forum to join in the fun.

This last bit of news will be a bit of a bummer for you guys, but I am going to take the week off next week.  I would like to thank all of you, especially those who have bought stuff from the Axe Shop or the Topatoco store for giving me the opportunity to spend a month playing with my little brother.  We had so much fun together.  I leave on Monday to head home and I am taking my 13 year old sister Kaitlyn with me.  Her and I are going to have a So Cal adventure for a week and I want the time to spend with her, not on Axe Cop comics.  So I hope you'll grant us this week off.  Once I come back from that week off I will probably go back to the 5 comics a week structure.  I was hoping to be able to give you more details about what this trip was for, but that will have to wait until we can make the official announcment.  Thanks for the support and again… making it my job to sit and imagine crazy scenarios with my 6 year old brother.  This kid is so dear to me and it's such a treat to get to be such a part of his life.  Usually one has to work, so he doesn't have time to play… but playtime has become my job.


So, I'll see you in a week.  If anyone wants to send me any Axe Cop fan art or comics I will post them in the blog over the week to at least keep some sort of content going up.  Send them to  Happy weekend!



Short Answers

Often Malachai have a short answer to a question that is no worth making an entire episode of Ask Axe Cop out of, but over time they accumulate and I decided it was time do a mash up of some of my favorite short answers he has given.  You get 8 questions and answers in Ask Axe Cop #38!



The “apples” question was one Malachai was adamant that I include.  For some reason he really wanted to make sure people knew that Dinosaur Soldier should never share his apples under any circumstance.  He said with the same irrational passion as he did when he told me the No Jabbers rule.


I mentioned trying to get Malachai and I up on UStream before my trip here is done.  I am having trouble coordinating it, our writing/creating time takes priority, but I would like to do it.  I'll keep you posted once we figure out a good time to do it.  In the mean time, we will be recording CHOP the Official Axe Cop Podcast tonight.  You should take a moment and call the hotline and leave us a message.   I am going to take a segment to answer some questions if any are sent in.  You can email them to or call the hotline: 206-337-8138.  You can also tune in live and join the chat room, we start at 7pm Pacific time every wednesday ebening and usually after we are done recording we spend some time chatting with the chat room and answering some questions.


We had a great week this week with views… it looks like we surged on StumbleUpon over the last few days.  If you are one of the people who Stumbled Axe Cop over the last few days (or ever!)  thanks a ton for sharing.  We still have never advertised, all of Axe Cop's attention has been word of mouth and sharing online.



Drag-Trighostacops Rex

It's Monday's installment of Axe Cop in which Ghost Cop has a special request before they leave Uni-man's lab:



I think that I will try to do a webcast with Malachai tomorrow live on Ustream.  We will be on camera and I will have someone moderate and we will answer questions and talk about Axe Cop in general.  It should be a lot of fun.  Tentatively the time I am setting is 7pm pacific time.


The Baby Man shirt preorders did so horrible that the shirt is being cancelled.  The few people who did pre-order will get refunds.  That's a bit of a bummer but I guess you just never know what will sell. 


We are working on a special request feature where you can order a nice print of your favorite page or just panel. 


What would you really like to see in the Axe Cop shop?  I need ideas.  There a million possibilities, but the only ones really worth spending time on are the ones in high demand.


See you Wednesday!




Baby Man's adventure continues, and this time he's bringing help:



I forgot to mention, I was a guest host on Nobosy's Listening podcast, the weekly clean comedy podcast about funny stories from life hosted by James and John of CHOP! (and some Canadian who doesn't like Axe Cop.) 



The Canadian guy was not going to be available to host so James asked me to fill in.  I shared a few stories including one in which I hosed down a girl I had a crush on with my own urine.  The episode I was on was episode 152 “It's Not Water.”


Other than that… the signed Axe Cop Painting is going off the market today, so if you wanted one, get it before midnight tonight!  We'll see you Monday where we will pick it back up in Uni-Man's lab.



CHOP!, The Axe Cop Podcast Is Back

Rumors of the Axe Cop podcast's death have been greatly exaggerated (I blame Truck of Ninjas). CHOP! will be recording LIVE tonight at 10pm Eastern if you care to join us. You'll be joining dozens of other Axe Cop fans in the live chat room.

If you can't join us at least call in a comment to our new phone line:206-337-8138 and check the website tomorrow for the 5th episode. Of course the best to do is subscribe in iTunes. Here's the info:


Join us live @ 10pm EST:




Subscribe in iTunes

Last Day for Baby Man Preorders

Today's Ask Axe Cop episode deals with the importance of having good weapons.



If you wanted to preorder the Baby Man shirt, today is your last chance.   The shirt will be available in one color around June 11. 


Also, the Axe Cop Painting by Michael Maher has not sold incredibly well.   We are going to stop offering the signed prints on Friday, so if you wanted one from us, order it by then. 

That's all for now!  See you Friday.


Baby Man and Stickers!

I know I should have taken a break today, but here is your episode… and happy Memorial Day!



Today's big news is that the BABY MAN SHIRT is available at Topatoco for pre-order until Wednesday.  There are four colors available til Wednesday, after that it will not be available til later in June and only in the most popular color.



The new STICKER SET is now available too:



There has been complaints that certain things like the “always shift” are not in this set.  Well, I made this set a while ago and ordered it and it just now came in, so that stuff did not yet exist when I ordered these.  If these sell well we will do a second collection and things like the always shift will be included.


I hope it's been a good Memorial Day Weekend- it has been here.  See you Wednesday.

