
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4


Today's episode of Ask Axe Cop is all about diet and choices about life.


As a special little look into the making of this one, I am including this link to an mp3 of the conversation we had about this question.  I have been recording most of our comnversations but this one was pretty nice and tidy and also shows what I kept and what I left.  For instance… Malachai answered the question for Ghost Cop and for Dinosaur soldier.  His answer for Dinosaur Soldier was so hilarious that I chose it over Ghost Cop. 

Here is the file:  The Making of Ask Axe Cop #25


I hope to do more of those.  I wish I had the one from the Abraham Lincoln episode, but that was on my cell phone and not through my computer where I can record. 


Anyway, we are in the midst of working on the next story.  I should have you a new Ask Axe Cop on Wednesday.  Also, be sure to read the previous couple blogs that went up over the weekend if you missed them about changes with the store.



Abraham Lincoln: Explosion God

How's Tuesday treating you?  I seem to be having some impressive insomnia lately.  Only problem is I do not have anywhere I HAVE to be, so I am awake night trying to sleep, then I sleep in too long when I should be getting work done.  It's a viscious cycle.


I figured I would add some joy to your day with an Abraham Lincoln: Explosion God wallpaper.   Enjoy!



the AXE SHOP has moved!

Good Saturday Head Choppers!

This is just to announce that the AXE SHOP is passing on all it's shipping and customer service reposibilities to TOPATOCO, who is the leading merchandise fulfillment company in the web comics industry and I am excited to have them taking over. 



We had a little scare with the Axe Shop where some douche hacked in and got some people's info (don't worry, if he got you, you have already been contacted- it was only a handful of accounts).  This freaked us all out, but especially my friends who have been running the store.  On top of that, it has just been a ton of work.  I'm glad to be lifting that burden off of them, and I think we all win in this situation.  Your orders will get to you faster, I will be able to make a lot more merchandise now, including stickers, hoodies, buttons and more… and I will still be selling custom sketches and limited edition prints from the Axe Cop (now) sketch and print shop.  We will be releasing some new limited edition prints soon too, so watch out for that.

If you have an order you have not yet received, don't worry, it is still on it's way.  If you are worried about your order and don't know who to contact you can just use the contact information on this site.  Thanks to everyone who has bought merch from the AXE SHOP, I hope you'll migrate over to the new store and stay tuned for a lot more merchandise in the near future.



A to Z Interview

A couple weeks ago a web comics reviewer had a lot of trash to talk about Axe Cop.  I was actually somewhat relieved to finally see a completely negative review.  It was kind of validating.  I twittered the review and apparently he had a lot of backlash.  I did not intend for people to attack the guy but I still am not accustomed to having so many people reading my work.  But the guy in this review accused me of exploiting my little brother and that topic got raised on Twitter and in blog comments.  I remember this guy named Zac saying something about how he would like to hear me answer questions about certain topics having to do with how I get Malachai to keep writing and I said that was an interview I am willing to have with any one, and he said he would like to do it.  We finally got around to it today now that my cough has calmed down a bit on his A to Z Pod Cast.  I do apologize for the sniffling and coughs though.  Overall I think the interview went well and we seemed to cover some ground I have not covered in other interviews.  Thanks, Zac, and to any one who takes the time to listen.  Also, I think the guy at the negative review site has had plenty of response from offended Axe Cop fans, so please don't let this post start another torrent of hatemail for him. Here's the interview…




Axe Cop and Abe Lincoln: a Bromance

Fair warning… this is a bizarre one (and that's saying something):


Actually, it's probbaly a romance.  Whatever it is, it is one of the most bizarre Axe Cop tales I have ever illustrated.   Also, it is unclear exactly where this fits into the Axe Cop timeline… if it is an alternate universe tale (sort of like LOST), a hypothetical, or the actual, ultimate end of Axe Cop's story (since his last tale of marriage to Sockarang technically was a hypothetical and he could change his mind before that jillion years comes to pass).  Whatever it is, this seems to solidify that Axe Cop has a thing for turning some of the ugliest dudes around into women then marrying them.  It will be on the day that Malachai looks at this comic in horror that we will know puberty has struck.  Or… well… we'l have to be prepared for anything I guess.


We've started writing chapter 3.  Probably going to take one more week of just Ask Axe Cop episodes before starting to put up the new episodes so I can get more of it written with Malachai.  Currently I am trying to think of a more interactive way to collaborate with him because I think the phone quiz method is tiring him out a little.  I am looking for some good collaboration software that we can use over the internet that is simple, visual, can involve pictures, drawing, text and is interactive and easy for a kid to grasp.  I may try Google Wave but if anyone has any ideas please send them my way.  I would be interested in developing some sort of flash based paint program that is for creating Axe Cop with Malachai.  Any flash programmers out there want to try to make something up?  I need ideas here.


Have an awesome weekend, I'll see you on Monday!



What do you want to see in Chapter 3?

Ladies and Gents, Ask Axe op #23 describes the two most awesome ways Axe Cop has ever killed a bad guy:


So, as we wait for Chapter 3 of the Axe Cop tale, I'd like to hear your hopes and dreams.  What character do you most want to see return?  What sort of bad guy or situation do you hope to see?  Comment your hopes and dreams for Axe Cop chapter 3 here.  I think there is a general consensus for Wexter to be in the actual story, and a lot of cry for more Baby Man, and I think we are all looking forward to seeing Ghost Cop in action.  What else?  I make no promises here, but I can make suggestions to Malachai, and I do, but he always gets the last word.


Anyway, have an awesome Wednesday and I am going to try to have something for you tomorrow, but if not, Friday.  Thanks for visiting the site.



Awesome Gloves

Happy Monday!  So, yeah, I am releasing this a little later in the day than usual because when I woke up at 11am it did not exist yet.  I spent the weekend basically laying in my own sweat and filth coughing up gunk and watching net flix.  Whatever my brother gave me I got it good, it is not wanting to let go.  But anyway, todays Ask Axe Cop is another “what if” where Axe Cop explains what he would do it bad guys stole the sun.  It's comforting to know he would be prepared for a situation like this.



I should have another Ask Axe Cop episode for you on Wednesday.  Thanks for stopping by the site.


End Chapter 2

Today's episode wraps up the second chapter in the Axe Cop Saga.  It's the end of the Moon Warriors tale!


This does not mean this is the last we will ever see of the Moon Warriors (who knows, it could be, or they could be back next chapter), all it means is that this arc has come to an end.


My apologies for getting the episode out later in the day today, but as I mentioned in the previous blog, I slept long and hard and fell behind on my schedule because I have been pretty sick.  I intend to jump right back into bed now that I have this page done.  But first, you have to check out this Axe Cop sighting at Armageddon Expo in New Zealand. (comes in at 1:11) This kid has an awesome Axe Cop costume along with a uni-baby doll.  It's somewhat surreal seeing someone walking around in New Zealand as the character Malachai and I made up at the kitchen table last Christmas.  


So this concludes Axe Cop chapter 2.  As I have said, chapter 3 isn't written yet.   Malachai may need a break, we'll see how long before he is ready to start on the next chapter with me.  In the mean time I will try to get you some Ask Axe Cop episodes up every week and go from there.  Thanks for staying tuned in and for sharing Axe Cop with your friends.  Have an awesome Easter this weekend and we'll see you next week.

Ethan Nicolle


PS: here is wallpaper of the last panel…

A bit behind

Just a little update… I do plan on having today's episode up, but I am behind where I would ususally be.  This illness has been hitting me hard and I fell asleep yesterday at about 3 or 4pm and didn't get out of bed until this morning around 9:30.  I feel a tiny bit refreshed, but mainly lehtargic and gross still.  Anyway, I usually have the page drawn and inked by the morning of it's due date, only needing to be gray-toned and lettered, but today I am starting with a white piece of digital paper.  I guess the longer I write this blog the longer you don't know the rest of the Moon Warriors story, so off to work I go!

AXE COP body spray!?

AXE BODY SPRAY and AXE COP have come together to create the coolest ad campaign around for masculine pit spray!  That's right, AXE COP is now officially brought to you by AXE body Spray and we will be working the product into every episode of Axe Cop.  They will even be creating a new scent called “poison giant spray” in honor of the new partnership, and a commercial in which AXE COP is followed by drooling bimbos all down the streets as he chops bad guy's heads off.  We will also be remiving Axe Cop's hat and giving him a hip gel hairstyle!


Oh hey, a new Ask Axe Cop is up and it reveals more of Axe Cop's past, and a power we did not know about!


By the way, in case you couldn't tell, that whole first paragraph was my way of saying Happy April Fool's day!
