
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

Moon Warriors ending, part one

Well, I did it… I finished another page.  Now excuse me while I pass out.  My brother gave me his marine trench rot virus and I have been hacking my lungs out, both ears are plugged, I'm coughing up mutant ooze with chunks and everything that doesn't taste like slime tastes like cough drops.  Oh yeah here it is:


As I said yesterday, I will have new content tomorrow and Friday, then I will try to keep up with Ask Axe Cop episodes (two or three a week) until we get our next story arch underway starting next week. Thanks for bearing with us, this is definitely not your typical situation and it has been both fun and challenging. 


Today's page is the second to last of this chapter, friday's is the final resolve.



There is Hope

Hey everyone,

Malachai called last night and we had a good session.  It wasn't substantial, but it was enough to finish off the current story and get us a few more Ask Axe Cop episodes.


I am sick as a dog right now, so I don't think I have the energy to crank out a full completed comic today, so I am going to shoot for tomorrow.  Depending on how the material spreads, tomorrow's page may end the current arc.  If not, it will end on Friday with an Ask Axe Cop on Thursday.  After that, we may take a couple weeks and just have a couple ask axe cop episodes come out per week so I can get the next arc written with Malachai.  When I feel we have enough material to start posting pages we will start the next chapter.


Thanks for all your patience and for being so understanding.  In all honesty, the thing that has really had Malachai distracted is the Cortex Command Axe Cop mod.  He has been trying to get my Dad to install it for a while now and it's a bit too techincal for my Dad.  Impressivly, Malachai figured out how to play the game without instructions from anyone and he is super excited about it.  I have a feeling this game is going to influence some robot zombies into upcoming Axe Cop stories.  I'm pretty sure the chainsaw usage in the current Axe Cop story all came from letting Malachai play Zombieville on my iPod touch.


So, tomorrow we will pick it back up.  And for not posting a new episode today, I present to you some more wallpaper of remorse.


1680 x 1050


2560 x 1600:


1600 x 1200:


1024 x 768:


have a great Tuesday!


Cliff Hanger

Hey head choppers.  So you are probably wondering where your next episode is.  I am too.  You probably want to know what happens next… me too.  Unfortunately, my little brother Malachai has not seemed real up for writing lately, so I think he is needing a break.  As soon as we can talk, I'll start cranking out more episodes. As things are, I am in the SLC airport with a painful cold, heading back home after a family trip to Denver.  I feel like crud and can't wait to get back home, but once I get there I am going to need to figure out how to keep Axe Cop alive even while Malachai takes a break. 


One thing I have considered doing is starting a side series where I write a couple pages, then Malachai decides what happens for a few pages.  Different ways of exploring some of the characters Malachai doesn't seem so interested in but I would like to explore more… like Baby Man.  When I bring up Baby Man, Malachai loses interest fast.  So I am thinking I'd like to give something like a Baby Man side story a try.  Something to fill space when Malachai I have no new material from Malachai.


Anyway, to make up for the lateness, I will at least bestow you with some sweet Axe Cop wallpaper.  This is the 3D Axe Cop logo created by the Promo Scape guys who are helping work on the new motion comics. 

1024 x 768 (right click and save image, or click view image to see full size)

960 x 1280:

1600 x 1200:


2048 x 1536

Once again I apologize for the lack of an episode.  I think that as soon as Malachai realizes there are no new epiodes going up he will want to talk.




If today is just… stabby.  Enjoy…


After yesterday's quick little Twitter run-in with Simon Pegg and email exchange with Kevin Murphy after he ordered Axe Cop shirts, I decided to drop a couple thank-yous to them in this episode.  The one for Simon is obvious, but the one for Kevin will only be caught by real mst3k fans.


Still in Denver, and still have no clue what I will do for new material next week.  Let's all pray Malachai gets a spark of inspiration and decides to give me a call.  Until then… have a great weekend!

Axe Cop and Political Correctness

Today's episode of Ask Axe Cop is about other races:


This episode started out when a friendly guy named Jason tweeted Axe Cop asking if he would have any black guys join his team so he would have something to dress up as for halloween.  Jason's black, and so far the Axe Cop team has not been much of a rainbow of colors.  So during an Ask Axe Cop session with Malachai, I asked him if Axe Cop could have a black guy join his team and he said “no, a Merman”  “a black merman?” “no, a peach merman, his name is the KING OF ALL TIME.”  If you haven't noticed, Malachai has been on an ocean kick lately.  Mermaids, sharks, crabs… he has a fascination with anything ocean right now (though I think that is fading, his new fascination is the devil and angels who turn bad)… so, it's not that he was saying “no, Axe Cop will never let a black guy on his team” I'm pretty sure he was already thinking of this Merman when I asked because he had this guy ready to go, invisible sword and all.  The character was so brilliant (how awesome is the name “the King of All Time”?) that I had to figure out how to get this up.  So I went ahead and rephrased the question a bit and decided to go with it.

Of course, back when he answered this, Axe Cop had not killed a mermaid yet, so I had to ask him about that, and it turns out that that the King of All Time is in fact the father of the mermaid Axe Cop accidentally killed in Ask Axe Cop #15.  So Axe Cop has some repairs to make before he can get Merman onto his team, as you just saw (unless you are reading this before you read the strip, which you never should, the blog is always full of spoilers duh!).


So, I didn't want to add “I'll never allow blacks on my team” to the Axe Cop list of virtues, but I wanted the King of All Time to make his debut.  Malachai will learn about diversity soon enough.  I'm thinking if Jason sends Malachai a video of his front kick and a few reasons he wants to be on the team (including what his powers are) he'lll have a good chance of making the team.







Simon Pegg likes Axe Cop

Axe Cop has quickly and amazingly riled up a huge and dedicated fan base.  If you are new… we call them the head choppers.  Over the last 24 hours a bunch of them Tweeted at Simon Pegg to check out Axe Cop, and he did (I had nothing to do with it, for the record).  He then twittered recommending Axe Cop to his quarter of a million followers.  A few weeks ago the guys from Mystery Science Theater did the same thing.   I'm a huge fan of all of these people, so it's a total honor.

Also awesome:  Malachai, who is a HUGE fan of Ben 10, just received for his birthday a big Ben 10 poster signed by the writers of the show, who all are big fans of Axe Cop! 


Just when you think the attention will die down, this happens.  Thanks head choppers. Golden Chainsaw Awards all around!



On Second Thought

Good news is… episode 19 is up!  I wish I could see your faces when you read that bad boy.

In other news… sorry to get some people's hopes up, but I am scrapping the Axe Cop Presents idea for now.  The legalities and hoops and extreme caution I would have to take to make it really work would just, at this point, not make it worth it.  So, for now, no Axe Cop Presents.  Thanks for all the suggestions and comments.  Sorry to let people down who submitted ideas.


Fair warning… I am visiting family all weekend and so far I have not had new material from Malachai for next week, so unless something changes, we may not have a new strip up on Monday.  I will see what I can do, but I will be flying back home Monday, so if nothing else I will release a sweet desktop wall paper or something on Monday to thank you for stopping by the site.  Going to celebrate my Grandpa's 90th.  Thanks for reading!



Axe Cop Presents?

Today's Ask Axe Cop deals witht he important question: What would be the best kid of robot to beat an elephant? 



This was one of Malachai's favorite questions, but every time I would go over it with him he just went off on all these ways Psydrozon would destroy this elephant.  I kept trying to find a punchline, so I continued to ask him every time we talked, about the elephant.  And every time he called he would ask why I didn't do the elephant one yet (this was actually one of the earliest questions we received).  Anyway, finally, the elephant question is here, and I think it is hilarious, and very sad.

Now, I have this idea, and I want your feedback:  Axe Cop Presents.

My idea, to fill space when Malachai is not up for writing new stories, or just to fill in gaps when I don't have enough material to fill out the week, is to have people submit stories from their own 5-7 year olds and I will turn them into small, self-contained comics.  These would not be Axe Cop tales, though, if your kid wants to tell an alt-univerese Axe Cop tale they would be welcome to… these are any story they come up with. 

If you think you have good material for “Axe Cop Presents” please mail your kid's story to with “Axe Cop Presents” in the subject line.  But these would be my requirments:

-any story created by Axe Cop presents becomes my property, so if your kid has some idea you think will make you millions some day, don't share it with me.

-I would need your kid to be available for further questions about the story, preferably by phone.  So if I pick your story I would need to be able to call you up, so please provide a phone number (I will not share this information with anyone)

-I want this as “straight from the horses mouth” as possible, so do not try to write it into your own adult version of the story- give me the raw material, even if it is a mess.  I will not draw pictures to the exact words you send, so don't try to be a writer, just send me the gist of your kid's idea, and if I want to use it I will give you a call.

So there you have it… Axe Cop Presents!  I think this could be fun.  I'm open to ideas.  I would just like to be able to have constant material flowing on this site, and not have all the weight on Malachai for writing at all times.  I want him to write the main story and he will always write for Axe Cop, but I think it would be fun to explore the worlds of some other 5 year olds as well.  What do you think?


Axe Cop gets Painted!

Ladies and gentlemen, the finale begins today and continues through this week and ends next week.  Can you handle it?  Read:

Also, this is one of the most awesome things you will ever behold.  An amazing artist and up-and-coming cover artist in comics Michael Maher did this amazing Axe Cop painting.  Bask in it's glory, and know that in the coming weeks this will become available as a print in our store.  Thanks a ton to Michael for painting this, it is so beautiful.

Up For Grabs

If you have not ordered a sketch, there are still some characters available to be ordered who have never been drawn on paper before.  Because Axe Cop is all digital, many sketch orders are the first time these characters are drawn on paper, and if you get one I make a note of it on the sketch.  All you have to do it go into the store and order a non-digital sketch.  These characters are still up for grabs for first time on paper:

Pretzel Head

Evil Flying Book

Bad Santa

the Wrestler

Snow Man

Evil Singing Tree

Sockarang's Dad

Mr. Mutani Esu

all 10 of the Ben 10 Matanga

Tiny Robot who wants to bite people

Mr. Stocker

Electric Man

Rhino Man

Best Fairy Ever

Dr. Stinky Head


1st ever on paper sketches do not cost extra, they are smply 1st come, first serve.  So the sooner your order, the better your chances.
