
Episode 0

Axe Cop's tragic childhood. NOTE: This episode is best read in order after episode 4

Axe Cop Gets Married

Alright, I won't have an update for a bit, but I want to tease you on the upcoming story with this image.  



As some of you know, I am currently engaged.  Malachai and I also have two other brothers, Noah and Isaiah who got married in July and September.  Weddings and marriage have been a popular topic, so I asked Malachai if Axe Cop would get married and a new story started.  I'm excited for this one.  I'll post more updates and info as the date comes closer.  

Happy New Year!



Christmas Break!

I'm going to take a break for Christmas.  I'll be updating via the blog about our upcoming story, which will start in mid-January.  Also, don't forget to watch the new Rugburn animated episode #0!


I'm excited to tell you about the new story.  Some of you may have heard about it.  It is the closest thing to a romance you may ever see in the Axe Cop universe.  More on that soon!  I recommend you read the amazing Axe COp Christmas Special, and enjoy…


Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Live Ask Axe Cop

Sorry friends, but I am visiting Malachai and the family today and did not bring my laptop, so there will not be a new comic today.  So instead we will be answering Ask Axe Cop email and questions in the chat room for a while here this evening very soon!:



update:  Malachai's friend just showed up.  This may not happen.  We'll try soon.
update 2: Malachai is far too distracted.  Hopefully e will see any Seattleites tomorrow at Arcane Comics!

Commissions: One more week!

Well, though I just shipped off all the commissions that were ordered during the 20 day sale, I have had a lot of people showing interest in them since I have been posting a bunch of them on my Instagram.  So I am re-opening the sale for one more week.  I'll close sales again on December 18th.  Some of this is literally the best ink and brush art I have ever done.  For a lot of these commissions the buyer got a lot more time and effort than they paid for because I got so into the drawing I spent a lot of extra time on it.  I am pretty much up for drawing anything as long as it is not obscene, and I won't do character designs based on your ideas. It needs to be stuff that exists.  I will draw you or someone you love.  Or at least I will do my best.  If you must have your commission in time for Christmas let me know and we can try to make sure that happens.


Today's Ask Axe Cop episode was from an answer I dug up from some notes over a year old.  I liked the mythology of Mt. Saint Helens, the giant toymaker and the indians.  I also was still in ink and brush mode, so I decided to do another episode in traditional ink with some sumi wash for gray tones.  Still rough but I'm having fun.  


If you are interested in buying a larger, more detailed piece of Axe Cop art, I have this 14×17 walnut ink painting of Axe Cop and Wexter, and this one of Axe Cop and Flute Cop.  I'll post more detailed pics soon. If you are interested in buying the original pieces send me an email through the contact page.


Also, if you haven't seen it yet, the new weekly Axe Cop animated comic has started on the new Rugburn channel on Youtube.  Check it out here, share it, and subscribe so you don't miss out on the new weekly video.  



Rugburn is Live!

The new weekly motion comics series has begun!  Episode one is now up:




I know that for a lot of you, you've seen this first episode done a number of times in various forms of motion comic, live action, interpretive dance…. you name it.  But this is just the first.  Six Point Harness, the animation studio that is partnered with Titmouse animation to create content for the Rugburn channel is animating tons of episodes and they will come out weekly.  So next week, episode 2 and so on.  I've seen early versions of some of the later episodes and these guys get it right.  The cool thing about the motion comics for me is that they are verbatim, straight from the comics.  No reinterpretation or reformatting for TV.  I love the voices they've cast and I like how Flute Cop does a little solo when he introduces himself.

So stay tuned, we will be posting a new episode weekly.  I did the voice of the Vampire Manbabykid, so you have that to look forward to.


Bad Guy School

Ah, I think we all suspected bad guys had their own educational system.  They all seem to try the same things, fall for the same tricks, use the same weapons, wear the same masks.  Well I'm still hard at work on the commissions.  Almost done!  Just need to do the Walnut Ink orders and then I'll ship them all out.

I may open orders up again because I still really need some money for the season and people have shown a lot of interest since I have been posting them on  my Instagram.  If you would be one of those interested parties, let me know.

Here is another reminder to  Back the Kickstarter now!  I'm going to try to get Malachai to write a Christmas special with me when I visit him this month before Christmas.  Wish me luck!

Kicks, Potatoes and Sumi Ink

Good day!

Well, the Axe Cop Documentary Kickstarter has been off to a bit of a slow start but there are a few new incentives… First, Nick Offerman, AKA Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec, who has his own woodshop has told us that he is going to carve us a one-of-a-kind replica of Axe Cop's axe out of mahogany.  It will have his, Malachai's and my signature burned into it.  He is also going to contribute 5 hand-carved mustache combs with Axe Cop's insignia on them.  On top of that, there is a shirt and print in the offerings, but no designs has been posted.  Well here it is!  This design can only be attained by being a backer of the film on Kickstarter.  I called Malachai and asked him to tell me some of the awesome kicks Axe Cop is capable of.  I put my favorites onto this design.  It's sort of like one of those posters of moves Axe Cop has hanging in his station (click to enlarge):



The shirt will have 6 of the kicks on it, the 11×17 print will be what you see above.  In this video Nancy documented the creation of this shirt:

Want a print or shirt?  Back the Kickstarter now!


As for today's Ask Axe Cop, I have been hard at work on the commissions.  I have been snapping pics of them on my Instagram as I complete them.  I was so into inking with real ink that I decided to do today's episode the old fashioned way.  This is the first time I have drawn a comic in pure pencil and ink since around 2006 or 7, so it is a little rough but it was fun and it has some charm.  I should have worked bigger, and probably used india ink instead of Sumi, but I like the grays.  Once again, Ask Axe Cop has produced some new characters I really want to see more of.  Last week it was Officer Lighting and Sergeant McQueen.  This week we have El Fuego, El Stupendo Patata and Vegtee-Bull.  I think a more detailed story of El Fuego's road to El Patata should be on the to-do list.


That's all for this week.  Thanks for stopping by!


Criminal Past

Friends!! i apologize that this posted late, I have honestly been working on it all day amidst many, many interruptions.  That's just life right now with all the wedding planning and everything else going on.  Like this Kickstarter project for the Axe Cop Documentary:




Some people seem to think that this is my movie that I am making about myself.  This is a movie that I am in, and i am supporting, but it is not mine.  I did not decide to start making it.  That was all the choice of the film maker.  I give it my full support and I think that is is a cool story, as well as an interesting look at family, imagination and comics as well as the story of Axe Cop.  I'm excited for it.  Please check it out.  I talked them into adding options for a Blu-Ray since it launched, so if you were looking for something like that, it is now there.  To be a backer, go to the Kickstarter page and make your pledge!


Also, I posted both of these last week, but it was not on an update day and I want to make sure everyon sees them. This is the preview for the new animated comics that will be released by Rug Burn.  They involve some of the original cast of the motion comics and are being produced in mass quantities, so rather than getting one new episode every 4 to 6 months, you will be getting a new episode every week!  It's going to be so awesome.  There will be a little bit of new art in these, but they will be straight from the comics.  Unlike the FOX show, which will be rewritten versions based on stories, these animated comics will be the comics you have read brought to life. If you like what you see, please subscribe to Rugburn and stay tuned for more!  



Please share these links!  The success of good stuff on the internet is determined by those who choose to click the “share” button.  Thanks in advance!  


Also, I really liked today's episode.  It was pretty complex.  I love the body part mining aliens.  So creepy and weird, but in a place called “Badville” it makes perfect sense.  Also, I love Officer Lightning and Sergeant McQueen.  I think I subconciously based Officer Lightning on Andy Wainwright from Hot Fuzz and Sergeant McQueen on Hank from Breaking Bad.  I really hope we get to see more of those characters, and if there is ever an Axe Cop movie, we already have some casting covered.


Well, I need to sleep a little and then get the new Bearmagedon page posted as well.  Thanks for reading!



Documentary and Rug Burn Animated Comics!

Two big pieces of news today!  First, the Axe Cop Documentary Kickstarter has launched.  This video is great and this movie is going to be so good!



To be a backer, go to the Kickstarter page and make your pledge!


And, Rugburn, the new animation channel on YouTube is going to be doing weekly animated versions of the Axe Cop comics.  It's going to be awesome!  This is not the TV show, this is animated renditions of the comics themselves, with some of the original voice actors from the first motion comics.  They will be releasing them weekly and putting motion to something like the first 20 comics!  Here is the first teaser trailer!




Exciting stuff!  I'll keep you posted as more updates come about.

