Axe Cop in Detroit!

I know that sounds like the title of an amazing new series… I mean what city needs Axe Cop's blade of justice more badly than Detroit?  I know Robocop has it handled, but hey maybe hey could team up?


Well, nearly as awesome is that I will be in Detroit this weekend at Detroit Fanfare as a guest, and to add to the awesome, I will be there with a shipment of the brand new Bad Guy Earth trade paperback, which doesn't actually hit comic shop shelves until the 28th, so if you are in Detroit you will be able to get an advance copy straight from my own grubby little mits, signed and sketched in.  It's a good weekend to be a Detroitian!


I will be on a panel... I think it's the one called “There is an Alternative” talking about alternative methods of getting your comics out there besides through mainstream publishers.  It is Saturday at 12:00 in the Gene Colan Memorial Room.


Also, Axe Cop was nominated for a Shel Dorf Award for Best Web Comic of the Year, and I will attend the ceremony. 


I am not yet sure where my table will be located, so just frantically scream my name like I'm a lost child in the mall and you will eventually find me.  Bad Guy Earth books are first come, first served… I will only have one box of them so if you want to get one try to stop by sooner rather than later.

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