Legos and Tattoos

Well, only one more week of Axe Cop comics online until I take a break for my wedding and honeymoon in May.  That will also be the last month the Axe Cop Wedding sketchbook and print will be available at


I don't know if I mentioned this yet, but Chris Hastings (Dr. McNinja) and I interviewed one another recently over at the Dark Horse Blog.  We did this once before and we have both had a lot of fun doing it.  We tend to ask each other questions we don't normally get asked in interviews so it makes for an interesting conversation.


I had a fan named Jake Fahy send me this awesome image of his lego Axe Cop and Wexter:



And, I can't remember if this is the first Axe Cop related tattoos I have seen, but it is definitely the coolest:



That's all I've got for now.  See you Friday.



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