Back From Honeymoon!

Big thanks to Jeff Mumm for today's episode!  Check outmore guinea pig craziness at


Well I have returned from the forest and have cell phone reception.  I went on a pretty magical honeymoon with my now wife, Jessica.  Though life is crazy and I am trying to catch up I continue to float in the happiness of the last week, which was definitely the best week of my life.  The wedding was amazing, pretty much perfect.  Everything we had hoped for and more.  Thanks a ton to those of you who helped me pull it off!  With your help along with other gifts from family and friends this wedding and honeymoon happened and Jessica didn't have to spend a dime.  It meant a lot to me to give her the wedding of her dreams and not make her pay for it herself.  I feel very victorious.  Of course now I am diving into the order fulfillment phase.  

I am still taking orders at until the last day of May.  You have 10 days left if you want to get the sketch book, screen print, or be immortilized in the comic.  Honestly, I need to sell more of the books and the prints to make the print run worth paying for printing.


A lot of amazing things happened while I was gone.  One of the most amazing is this new trailer released by FOX for the Bat Warthog Man episode of the Axe Cop animated series:


Also, we have a new episode of the Moon Warriors from Rugburn Channel:
And last but not least, the Axe Cop toy line is now available for PRE-ORDER at Mezco.  Order your set now!
AND I will be speaking at WebVisions again, with Malachai, this time in Portland, OR THIS WEEKEND!
Also cool… Axe Cop and the rule of something's blood getting on you was referenced in this episode of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things.
One more note… There was no way for me to sift through all the SPAM comments while I was gone for a week, so I didn't.  If you posted a comment in the last 8-9 days, it may be lost forever.  I caught a few, but until I get this site over-hauled comment filtering is quite a project.
Alright, that is all for now.  The story will continue in June!  Thanks to all the guest contributers for their great work and for giving me some time off.

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