Axe World


Thanks to Mike E., creator of Rusty and Co. for today's guest episode.  Malachai and I actually did work on a similar idea where Axe Cop builds his own theme park, but it never felt finished.  Still may do it one day.


Well it's about time to get back to Axe Cop gets married.  I have an awesome two-part guest episode from Thomas Martin that I really like, so I think I will post that next week as the final week of guest episodes.  We will do both parts, tuesday and thursday. 


I'll close all sales on on June 5th.  If you want the print or the sketchbook, this is your last chance to get them!  


One more thing.  The amazing Doug TenNapel and the gang that brought you the game Earthworm Jim and the Neverhood are back together and doing a kickstarter for a new all stop-motion based game called Armikrog.  You gotta see this beautiful animation, you will definitely want to back this:


That's all for now.  Thanks for keeping up with Axe Cop, and thanks to Web Visions for hosting Malachai and me last weekend in Portalnd.  We had a lot of fun.

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