Short Answers

Often Malachai have a short answer to a question that is no worth making an entire episode of Ask Axe Cop out of, but over time they accumulate and I decided it was time do a mash up of some of my favorite short answers he has given.  You get 8 questions and answers in Ask Axe Cop #38!



The “apples” question was one Malachai was adamant that I include.  For some reason he really wanted to make sure people knew that Dinosaur Soldier should never share his apples under any circumstance.  He said with the same irrational passion as he did when he told me the No Jabbers rule.


I mentioned trying to get Malachai and I up on UStream before my trip here is done.  I am having trouble coordinating it, our writing/creating time takes priority, but I would like to do it.  I'll keep you posted once we figure out a good time to do it.  In the mean time, we will be recording CHOP the Official Axe Cop Podcast tonight.  You should take a moment and call the hotline and leave us a message.   I am going to take a segment to answer some questions if any are sent in.  You can email them to or call the hotline: 206-337-8138.  You can also tune in live and join the chat room, we start at 7pm Pacific time every wednesday ebening and usually after we are done recording we spend some time chatting with the chat room and answering some questions.


We had a great week this week with views… it looks like we surged on StumbleUpon over the last few days.  If you are one of the people who Stumbled Axe Cop over the last few days (or ever!)  thanks a ton for sharing.  We still have never advertised, all of Axe Cop's attention has been word of mouth and sharing online.



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