Say hello to my little friend

Today we get to see another weapon in Baby Man's arsenal.  (Or is this the first weapon we have seen?  I think it is).



That guy in the first panel is my friend Eric, and it's his birthday today.  Happy birthday Eric!  prepare to die.


If you think it would be awesome to die in an episode of Axe Cop, join our forum and submit a limerick in the limerick contest thread.  The best limerick (as picked by James, John and I on the podcast next Wednesday) will earn the writer of that limerick the opportunity to die in a future episode of Axe Cop.


Tomorrow I'll give you the next page in the Baby Man subplot.  I'm glad you guys enjoyed yeterday's “Axe Cop Presents“.  I don't have a lot of material for another one of those right now, but I'm sure I will get more in the future.  I'm sure Malachai will be surprised to see that go up,  I don't think he realized I was planning on making that play-time into a comic.



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