Axe Cop and McNinja!

Today is a big day as Comic Con approaches… but this page took a while and I have been working hard on it, so here it is…



So in case you haven’t been keeping up, tday’s big news is this…



Click the image for the full story.


I did a pretty good interview with  Ronebreak.  Check it out here.


COMIC CON info I have right now is this…. I will be at booth 1714.  My name, or Axe Cop’s name will not be in the program.  I will be splitting Doug TenNapel’s booth, so look up Doug TenNapel and you will find me.  I will be doing a signing at  DARK HORSE booth, #2615     Thursday 1:00 – 2:0o pm. 


Among the merch I will have available at my table… I will have multiple posters (2 that are not available in the store yet).  I will have both volumes of Chumble Spuzz, my first sketch book (printed), my book “Sumo Poop”, AXE COP LOGO t-shirts (not available online yet), stickers and more.  One big thing I will have is a new Sketchbook which I limited the print run to 250 on:

This sketchbook includes NEW AXE COP ART that I did while I spent a month with Malachai.  It has sketches that will hint at things to be in the new Dark Horse miniseries, and it has a ton of other stuff in it too.  I will have 150 available at the con, and I am selling 100 in the online art store.  They will (hopefully) go on sale tomorrow.  I have been pretty busy.


That’s all I have to say for now.  Oh yeah… starting on Wednesday you will be getting guest episodes.  We have a special episode coming from Doug TenNapel this week, and next week the Dr. McNinja story begins.  See you tomorrow!



P.S. if you are coming to Comic Con and planning to cosplay any Axe Cop characters, you should coordinate with other members in our forum to do a group photo.


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