Bat Warthog Man is Back!

Today a new tale begins… and it stars a super hero even more awesome then Bat Man:  Bat Warthog Man.  If you are not familiar with Bat Warthog Man, you need to read Ask Axe Cop #42.  If you are, you need to read today's first episode of the new story now!



The funny thing about this story is that hardly any of it is written.  Malachai started it one day on the phone and I wrote it down, but the ending, the firend, the bad guys… I am as in the dark on all this as you are.  It should be interesting.  It will be coming out at the weekly rate most of the time while I work on bad Guy Earth, so be patient, but it should be a fun ride.


Also, I know some of you are eager to find out the results of the Axe Cop costume contest.  This episode took most of my free time today, so I am going to post contest results tomorrow along with a new guest episode.  So, come back tomorrow to see some amazing Axe Cop costumes.  Until then… REEEET!!






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