Axeiversary Week Continues

Hey head choppin' homies.  The bad news is I am too swamped to get you today's episode because of the Anniversary event coming up tomorrow in Los Angeles.  But the good news is that you will get guest episodes every day this week, and a couple days next week… plus you will get a new Bat Warthog Man Can't Find His Friend episode next week, AND you will get a new Ask Axe Cop episode, so be of good cheer.  For the next two week will be updating just about daily.


Some quick news… new interview is up at Strange Kids Club and io9 got an exclusive look at the cover art for Bad Guy Earth issue 3 coming in May.

Today's guest episode comes to us from the creators of the Fleabitten and it involved cheese:



Also, we have this awesome pin up of Axe Cop doing a fly kick by Nate Domschot (click for full size)…



And here is a piece of fan art from Andrew Pollard:


Everyone should be ready for the AXECOPALYPSE.  It's coming.


That's that.  I need to go run around like a bad guy chicken with its head chopped off.  See you tomorrow!!



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