Chihuahua Anger

In today's epsiode we head back into territory we have all been waiting for, and that is the tale of Army Chihuahua.  I love the more logical approach Malachai gives the pet chihuahua at the end of this episode.  Where most dogs would whine and grow worried… this little chihuahua becomes full of anger. 


Hey if you have not already done so, please go vote on the Eagle Awards– Axe Cop is up for Best Web Series and Best Cover (for Axe Cop vol. 1).  We are up against some of the biggest comics in the industry on this, so every vote counts.


We also had a great review go up at Booklist today.


Well, some of my plans have changed.  I am having to push the release of Bearmageddon into May, but the cool thing is that it will be in color!  I'll be headng up to Washington to spend a month wrting with Malacai very soon, and I hope that after that month I can start posting two episodes a week, or an episode and an Ask Axe Cop.  Onward we go!



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