Axe Cop Costumes!

Remember last Halloween how we had an Axe Cop costume contest?  Well, we showed those photos to Rubies Costumes and they were convinced to license some official Axe Cop costumes!  Now we are trying to figure out what the top 3 or 4 best character would be to make in costumes besides , obviously, Axe Cop.  So leave a comment on this blog post and let me know your top 3 choices!


And while I am posting a blog I might as well mention that KBOO finally posted this interview Malachai and I did back when we were in Portland for the Axe Cop TPB vol 1 release party and signing. 


Also, I was on's video podcast Nerd Alert.  Here's the video:

And with that I will see you next week with a new episode!


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