Back From Comic Con!

I know that technically Comic Con was over when I posted on Tuesday, but it hasn't really felt over for me until this morning.  My family stayed in San Diego for a few extra days, and in that time we went to Sea World and I took my siblings to Universal Studios.  I traveled bacl and forth to San Diego twice and got a mean sun burn.  It was an amazing week, but boy am I exhausted.  If you missed the Axe Cop panel, it was amazing. I am hopeing someone out there recorded it and puts it up on youtube.  Here was one of my favorite moments (click to enlarge)…



That's Kevin Murphy moderating (he did an awesome job) along with our gang of cosplayers:  the Best Fairy Ever, two Axe Cops, Flute Cop, Sockarang (with golden bladed chainsaw!) and Baby Man.  Malachai is teaching Baby Man the Baby Man dance- though he kept telling me he had it all wrong after the panel.  He wanted to look up the original page where Baby Man dances so they could get it right.  He likes to stay very true to the comic. (photo by Kenny Hitt)


If you missed the panel, you missed this video that gives a few sampled of the cards in the upcoming Munchkin Axe Cop card game from Steve Jackson Games.  You can check it out here.



I met so many awesome people at Comic Con.  I feel bad for those who meet me when my brain is totally fried.  This is the most exhausted I have ever been at a Con and I felt terrible for some people who met me and got little more then a vacant stare and some change after buying something from me.  Axe Cop fans have proven to be super friendly and a pleasure to meet in person.  Thanks for all your kind words, it definitely gives me a boost to keep making comics.

That's my update for today.  I'm sure there is more to say, but I promised myself once this episode was done I would take the rest of the day to relax.  My brain is already shutting down.  As for what comes next… the next Axe Cop story is Axe Cop Babysits UniBaby, but I still need more story from Malachai on it.  It may not start up on Tuesday, but I'll do my best.  I also have to get some more work done so that Bearmageddon starts posting on August third as planned.  Relax Ethan… relax.


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