T-Shirts, Cheap

If you’re looking to buy any We Love Fine Axe Cop t-shirts for your loved ones for Christmas (or if you just want one for yourself), you can score 15-25% off your orders on Black Friday/Cyber Monday.

Just use the codes BLACKFRIDAYTSHIRTS15 (or BLACKFRIDAYTSHIRTS25 if you spend more than $100) on Black Friday or CYBERTSHIRTS15/CYBERTSHIRTS25 for the same thing on Cyber Monday.

You can peep what’s available right here.



Welcome to the new Axe Cop!

Howdy all, Doug here, since Ethan’s on the road to SDCC.

We’re really excited with the new look and feel, but we need your help!

The site is still in a bit of flux — for instance, character archives aren’t complete, the videos section needs some love and comic archives will be a work in progress for a bit longer, but the comics are all there. It’s pretty much a guarantee that there will be kinks to iron out.

So, with that being said, if you notice a bug or something a bit amiss, would y’all mind dropping me a line via this handy-dandy little form right here? I’d be much obliged.