Happy DIE Day, Red Coats!

Part two of our Fourth of July special is now up…



And there it is!  I know that Axe Cop has a large UK following, so I hope they can have a good sense of humor about this.  Axe Cop loves you guys don't worry, what's done is done. 


Well… as you enjoy your fireworks (if you live in America) this weekend, remember that giant wave of fire that shot down from space and killed all the bad guys, and thank God for the freedom we all enjoy.  Happy 4th!



The Trouble with Free Cars

I am really messing with your heads.  I said yesterday that today you would get a new Ask Axe Cop.  Well, I lied.  I instead have the next page of the Baby Man sub plot in episode 43, continung directly from yesterday's page.



There seems to be a perpetual misunderstanding going on with readers about the Baby Man story.  It is not a separate story.  It is a subplot of the Lobster Man/zombie story.  Part of the confusion probably just comes from the nature of the comic.  It is easier for me to get content up at a more even rate if I have these two different subplots going at the same time (which will converge eventually).  It gives Malachai breathing room and helps me switch topics when one idea is boring him.  If we all held to his attention span Axe Cop would have ceased to exist probably an hour or two after he made the idea up.  What keeps it moving is finding ways to keep him focused, but having fun… that is my job.  I have found this to be a very effective way, to have two plots going.  In a paper book I probably would not make every page alternate between stories (and I broke that chain today by posting two Baby Mans in a row).  When the real book comes out I will probably put each subplot into more natural bunches.  If the format really bugs you, just wait for the book. 

I also keep getting asked if Malachai wrote the Baby Man story.  YES!!  The Baby Man story is as Axe Cop as any other story we have told.  It is just told without narration, so it is a different style.  If you really want an idea of what the Baby Man story is… most of the rest of it was written while Malachai and I were playing on a playground together.  If you imagine Baby Man and Baby Kid as him and I, it may start to make more sense…  for what that can really mean in this case.


I did an interview with “X and O on the Subway”.  Interviewer Alex Jones does sort of a cut and paste comic with an image of his interviewee being interviewed by an X and an O on a subway train, as well as by random riders (who symbolize reader questions).  Be warned that X and O do use some crude words and phrases, but other than that I felt it was a fairly unique interview.  Read it here.


Now… why did I postpone Ask Axe Cop?  Last night Malachai and I talked and came up with a massive two-part 4th of July episode of Ask Axe Cop.  I figured it would be most fitting if I let that episode be the last thing you read as you headed into your Independence Day weekend, so I am releasing part one tomorrow and part 2 on friday.  Each is a full sized episode.  I apologize in advance to our British audience… but I can't wait to show you Axe Cop's 4th of July special.  See you tomorrow!



Of Course a Candy Monster Does That

Today we learn about Candy Candy's secret power.



Though I have had a few complaints about the Baby Man story not following the normal Axe Cop model I am sticking to my guns on this one.  I'm having too much fun.  You may have noticed that today's episode was not as Ask Axe Cop.  This week I am going to do a regular episode mon, tues, thurs and fri.  Tomorrow you will get an Ask Axe Cop.  To change things up even more, on Thursday, I will be posting another Baby Man story page because I want to finish this moment before I go back to the Hasta Mia story.  (plus I need to call the boss and iron out some of the details in the boss fight).  It's good to be back! 



Back in Business!

After 2 weeks of doing other stuff, I'm back on the cop!  Episode 41 awaits…



Thanks again to all the guest artists who gave us something to read while I was driving 1300 miles, taking my sister all over So Cal and doing whatever else I did that I can't remember.  It sure didn't feel like 2 weeks.  Now that I am back in the saddle, San Diego comic con is upon me like a plague of mosquitos.  I have a lot to get done so I have stuff to sell at Comic Con this week, but my goal is to release 5 episodes this week.  I want to reward you for your patience.  Chances are they will all be normal episodes.  I don't currently have new material from Malachai for Ask Axe Cop.  If we can get on the phone soon we may be able to work that out, but right now my plan is, at least for the next couple days, just episodes.  This will help the story move a little faster anyway. 


So stay tuned, and if you will be at San Diego comic con I'm letting you know now that there will be some suprises and I will have some cool stuff for you to buy.  I will be sharing Doug TenNapel's booth, which I do not have the booth number for yet, but when I get it I will let you know.  Thanks again for letting me have some time off and I look forward to getting on with the Ultimate Battle!



Guest Episode Dump

Today I'm dumping 5 guest episodes on you.  I know I shouldn't be wasteful and I could save them for later… but I figured I might as well just post them.  There were a lot of people who wanted to do a guest strip and didn't get to, so I am sure I can get more next time I need them (like during San Diego Comic Con for instance…)


So, in no particular order (except numerical) I present five guest episodes.  First, this episode about a Snake Axe:



brought to you by Shawn Williams.  Check him out hither…



The next one is abour ninjas and pirates and claims it is by a 6 year old and 79 year old.



check out more from the Two Lumps crew:



Next, Sebastian Ringuette brings us…



If you liked that Wumpus, here is more:



Next… one about Team Attacks



this one is brought to you by this guy…



And last, but not least… I would have to say that this is the worst drawn, but the funniest of all the guest strips.  It reads like a real Axe Cop episode, probably because it is written by a 4 year old.  You may be inclined to skip it for the stick art, but give it a try, trust me.



Those guys just made it for fun, they don't have a web comic, but maybe they should.  Thanks for reading and supporting these other artists.  Axe Cop returns next week in full swing!  See you then.




PS – there were a couple guest strip submissions that I didn't feel really fit Axe Cop so I didn't post them up.  In general I am pretty lenient, but if your strip had to do with things 5 year olds in general do not think about at all (like alcohol, girls, etc.) that's why I didn't run it.

Axe Who?

Today, Axe Cop forgets who he is in another great guest episode:



This episode comes courtesy of Trevor and Brad from Shyeah! comics:



Tomorrow I am going to dump all the guest strips we have left over into one finale lump of episodes, so stay tuned for that. 



Girly Time!

I love this episode because it is so opposite anything an Axe Cop comic would ever, or should ever be.  That's because it was made by a female:



This episode comes courtesy of Carolyn Main.  I will warn you of two things… one, she's very talented, and two, her site contains some adult humor:



Thanks again to the guest artists for filling in this week!  Tomorrow you get a strip by the creators of SHYEAH!  See you then.



Guest Week!

I know that last week was guest week… but this week really is guest week for reals because You will be getting at least one new guest strip every day.  Today's is this one:


This episode comes courtesy of Jason Brubaker at reMIND:



We got a new section for Guest Strips that sets them in their own category apart from Axe Cop Episodes and Ask Axe Cop Episodes.  You can find them under “Extras” or in the Episode Archives.  They will not update on the main page right now, so watch the blog for the updates.  Each one is coming out at 11:00am (pacific time) each day this week.  If you haven't kept up on why all the guest strips, this is why:



I'm on an adventure with my 13 year old sister Kaitlyn.  As you read this blog we will probably be in line at Universal Studios.  Enjoy the guest strips this week, and if you are one of the crap talkers in the comments section, why not take a break and see us on Monday.  I don't like seeing my guests disrespected, if you would rather have nothing this week go spend some time elsewhere until I am ready to continue.  Huge thanks to the people who sent in strips to fill the days, I have more than enough. 



Stone Cop

Hey Fellas and Fell-ets,

Today's guest episode comes to us from Kevin Coulston and explores Axe Cop's ancestry…



Kevin Coulston does a web comic called Stale Bacon which you can find by clicking the banner below.  As with any web comic I link, most web comics are not all-ages friendly so if you are a parent, check it out before you show your kids. 



I would also like to remind you that CHOP the Axe Cop Podcast had a new episode this week.  I was not present because I was on the road with my little sister.  Check out the hilarious new episode “Super Uni-Man.”



Now, onto some good/bad news…


I had said that I was taking a week off, but I wasn't really looking at the calander.  I have my sister until Thursday and we just got to California last night.  Also, a flood of guest strips came in at the end of this week.  So I literally have a guest strip for every day of the week next week and very little time to do my own- plus this is precious time for me with Kaity, so I want to give as much as I can to her.  So… I have decided to let the guest strips take over next week too.  There are some really great ones I want you guys to see, and you'll get full on daily updates.  The next week after that, Axe Cop updates will be back in full swing with 5 updates a week.  So stay patient and enjoy the rest of the guest comics.  Visit their pages, thank them, be kind.   See you monday!

