
I wish I had time to say more about this page, but I have  to get over to the Axe Cop TV show writing room.  I think Axe Cop is rare among super heroes being a divorced man.  Definitely being a man who has been divorced by a president of the United States.  That letter is verbatim what Malachai told me to write, including the part about the zoo, Axe Cop's response, and the fact that Abe likes to look at the elephants.  Malachai had new clue that the Elephant is the animal symbol of the Republican Party, he just took a wild guess at what Abe Lincoln's favorite animal would be.  Divorce is a pretty big reality in our family.  Without it, we wouldn't have Malachai here, since my Dad was divorced by my mom and that is what led to Malachai being born. 


I can tell you this.  This is not the last we will see of Abe Lincoln.



Getting Married

One commenter on the last episode put it together, and here it is.  You wondered how in the world anyone could convince Axe Cop to get married, and here it is.  He was tricked into a catch 22 situation where he either pays exhorbatant prices for ice cream or adopts two mutant children.  Axe Cop of course chose the latter, but with his values and desire not to spend all his time being a dad decides he is going to have to get married.  Next episode?  The Abe Lincoln question is answered and we find out what happened between Axe Cop and old Abe.  If you haven't read that episode in a while, now is a good time to refresh your memory.


Things are going pretty good over at www.AxeCopWedding.com.  I am very thankful for all the orders so far and people who have emailed me.  I also really appreciate the comments on the blog I posted last Friday about the fame threshold.  


I have been in the writing room on the Axe Cop TV series since last week every day and it is going really well.  It is really fun digging through all the accumulated Axe Cop material and digging up ideas for TV episodes.  We have also been calling Malachai on a regular basis to get his input on the stories.  I have a feeling that a lot of people will be quick to assume that new material and characters in the TV series is stuff the adult writers wedged in, but we have done a good job of going to Malachai on this stuff and getting his input.  So even when old stories have been rewritten, Malachai has been involved in those changes and revisions.  Well, I need to draw some more pages. If you live in the UK I will be at Animex soon.  Check it out in the Appearances section, I'm excited for my first trip to the UK!




I love posting two pages a week!  It's twice as much work but so fun to keep things coming like this.  You are probably wondering where Axe Cop is… well, he'll be here next week.  Our little introduction to Max and Sam is done and now we get to the story of Axe Cop, and why the heck he gets married.  We will also be exploring his past relationship with Abe Lincoln.  I'm excited.


I wrote a blog post over at AxeCopWedding.com answers the little bit of criticism I have gotten by people who think I am far too successful and make plenty of money and have no need to “crowd fund” my wedding.  The post is really for any aspiring creator who believes in the concept that there is certain level of fame you can achieve and be set for life.  I used to believe it too, and it's good to know the reality.  So if you are one of those people who assumed I was pretty well off, and that Malachai has a playground made of gold encrustd slides and a sandbox full of bling, please give it a read.  It is not a plea for sympathy, only to clear up this misconception that because lot of people read this free web comic we are somehow rich.


The Rugburn animated comics are on a short season break for four weeks, but when they return prepare for the Moon Warriors.  Also, prepare for the Vampire ManBabyKid, because I got to do its voice.  Thanks for reading!





It's exciting when in the same day I am posting a new page, just before I head into the writing room for the TV show and today Mtv Geek released this image from ToyFare of the Axe Cop toys I have had to keep my lips sealed about for a while now…



these are actially all pending approval (i hadn't even seen the plushies yet!), so the final toys may not look exactly like this.  They are awesome though and I'm excited to hold one in my grubby little hand.


Well, commenting was already enough of a pain on this site, but I finally got trolled this last weekend and had to change the settings.  Now I unfortunately have to wade through all the spam comments and approve comments before they can be posted.  I have no problem with people who have differing opinions, but people who want to be demeaning and rude need to go somewhere else.  If anyone feels like they are skilled with Expression Engine and wants to try to help me fix the problem so the site is not so hard to comment on, send me an email.  For now, you may not see your comment after you post it for a while.  I want to switch Axecop.com over to a comic press site like Bearmageddon at some point, but that is a massive project that will cost a lot of time and money, but it will be nice to have better control and accessibility on the comments.  i know a lot of web comics friends who just shut the comments off.  I don't really want to have to resort to that, I like the interaction and in the four years the site has been up, this wasreally  the first troll we've had.  I'd say that's pretty impressive and shows that Axe Cop has a quality audience in general.  


Well the next couple weeks I'll be in the writing room again.  the TV show is looking awesome!  Can't wait for people to see it.  Life is going to be crazy this month.  Please check out my wedding campaign to buy original art and other rare items I am selling to help fund my wedding in May.  Thanks for readin, and thanks for not being a troll.


Alien Undead

Now, zombies.  We're covering a lot of bases here.  I'm excited because I recently asked Malachai what ever happened between Axe Cop and Abe Lincoln.  You are going to find out soon.


For now, here is a video I put together explaining the AxeCopWedding Campaign.


Please watch, share, and most of all… get stuff!
P.S. the new Rugburn animated Axe Cop episode is here!  Battle on Planet Tinko!

Now with the aliens

This story takes is to a new environment with new characters every page.  That is why just to do these few pages I had to do a lot of preparatory character designs.  This is what my current work space looks like:


There are kind of little spolers in there, but they are blurry and so obvious anyway.  As you can see I have my various Bearmageddon character designs, a bear skeleton and my inspirational photo of me and my love along with my four pages of character designs for Axe Cop Gets Married.  This stuff will all be in the Wedding Sketchbook exclusivley available ONLY through my wedding fund raising campaign over at AxeCopWedding.com.  Please go check it out, if you buy Axe Cop a gift in the registry, you can get this book with a sketch and lots of other stuff.  You can even be in this comic as a character, or request a sketch for the sketchbook and get the original mailed to you.  Thanks to everyone who has already made purchases.  Please let me know if you feel like there is something you would like me to offer that you don't see on the site!  


Please enjoy the latest Rugburn animated Axe Cop comic for your viewing enjoyment!



Wedding Launch!

It's begun!  Today we launch the story Axe Cop Gets Married.  Along with it, i have also launched what you could basically call my own wedding Kickstarter.  The website www.AxeCopWedding.com is now live and there is a bunch of stuff you can buy there to help me fund my wedding and it's all exclusive, custom Axe Cop stuff that will only be available to participants.  Please take a moment to go check it out and consider backing my wedding.  Thanks in advance to everyone who participates, there is a lot of cool stuff there including an exclusive sketchbook, print, commissions, and the opportunity to be in the audience at Axe Cop's wedding as a background character!

Axe Cop For President 2013

Still preparing for the launch of Axe Cop Gets Married on january 22nd!  Along with it we will be launching an additional Axe Cop Wedding website and my plan is to post two new pages per week!  It will be colored by Kailey, who colored the Dogs and did a great job. 

For now, I think this should hold you over because it is pretty dang awesome.  FOX ADHD turned Ask Axe Cop #10 into an animated short in anticipation of the upcoming TV series being released July 27.  FOX has also released some info about the cast, including regulars Ken Marino, Patton Oswalt and Megan Mullaly.  Guest voices include Giancarlo Esposito (Gus Fring on Breaking Bad) and Jonathan Banks (Mike from Breaking Bad) and more!   Enjoy…