Character: Flute Cop
Flute Cop is the brother of Axe Cop, but neither of them know this because when they were young they bonked heads while walking backwards and completely forgot one another. Destiny brought them back together, however, when Flute Cop came to Axe Cop’s first try out and joined his team. Flute Cop has gone through a series of transformations. He became Dinosaur Soldier in episode 1, then he became Avocado soldier in episode 3, then in episode 4 he got a unicorn horn and became uni-avocado soldier. In episode 26, Axe Cop turned him into Ghost Cop with unicorn magic, and in episode 39 he becomes Dragtrighostacops Rex.
Powers: flute, dinosaur powers, unicorn magic, ghost powers, avocado grenade bombs, machine gun