At that point I imagined silver catering trays filled with dead dachshunds and burst out laughing hysterically. I'd been trying to hold it in and just couldn't anymore. Oh, hey! Ethan and I are throwing a contest on the Axe Cop Facebook page. It's the GET REVENGE ON RAINBOW GIRL contest, in which you tell us how you'd get revenge on that dastardly villainess. The winner gets a bunch of cool signed Axe Cop stuff. Visit the page for details and enter. I guess that's it for this week. Big page next week, and from here on out, not one page of REVENGE ON RAINBOW GIRL isn't packed with violence. It's been a peaceful story so far, but things are about to go off. Have a great week.Her: "No, don't eat one of the dogs. Here..." she brings over a stuffed dog. "This one's dead."
Me: "It's dead??"
Her: "Yeah. So you can eat it."
Me: "Oh. Well, that's considerate and creepy. Where'd you get this dead dog?"
Her: "The store."
Me: "You bought a dead dog at a store?"
Her: "Yeah."
Me: "What else do they sell at this store?"
Her: "I dunno. Nothing."
Me: "So it's a dead dog store."
Her: "Yep."
Me: "What's the name of the store?"
Her: "World Dead Dog."
Me: "Wow. What's their slogan? A slogan is something the store says about itself. McDonald's is I'm lovin' it. What's World Dead Dog's slogan?"
Her: "I'm Puppin' it."
Me: "How much can I buy a dead dog for?"
Her: "Twenty cents."
Me: "What do you do with a dead dog once you've got it?"
Her: "You eat it!"
Me: "Do they come in different flavors?"
Her: "Yep. Chocolate and strawberry."
Me: "This sounds great, but how do the dogs die?"
Her: "Well, they live to 65 years old, and when they get to 75 they die."
Me: "And World Dead Dog sells them to eat. Aren't old dead dogs less tasty than fresh ones?"
Her: "No, they're delicious!"
Me: "So if my dog dies, can I sell it to World Dead Dog?"
Her: "Yep. Fifty-five cents."
Me: "They're not making much of a profit, then."
Her: "No they're not."
Me: "Do they have a kids' meal?"
Her: "They have little monkeys that kids like to eat."
Me: "Are the monkeys dead too
Her: "Of course."
Me: "I thought World Dead Dog sold only dead dogs."
Her: "Well, they sell a few dead monkeys."
Me: "I see. Do they do catering?"
Her: "What's catering?"
Me: "Catering is when a restaurant brings food to a place. So do they go to parties and set up piles of dead dogs on long buffet tables?"
"I have a boo-boo in my mouth and it's like a toy for my tongue." -Charlotte, 5 years old
“Mommy? I wanna be a drag queen when I grow up.” -Amelia, 5 years old