Well, you made it to the end of Axe Cop Gets Married and you probably began to wonder what is next?  Well, here it is.  Prepare yourself for a historical Axe Cop event in two weeks, starting on November 19th .  The new Axe Cop story will be presented to you by the awesome artist Tom Martin (age 37), and written by his nieces, Charlotte O’Brien (age 9) and Amelia O’Brien (age 5).  Why historical?  Besides this being the first full-length Axe Cop story by someone  Malachai and me, it is also the first to be written by girls.  Revenge on Rainbow Girl is a strong, fun Axe Cop adventure, and  Tom has worked hard on it with Charlotte and Amelia.  This comic will post every Tuesday for the next 22 or so weeks.  What’s it about?

Rainbow Girl is an enemy from Axe Cop’s past. She can shoot rainbows out of her hands with some kind of hot stuff that can kill you. Also, she can flood a village with rainbows. She has a plan to take over the world, but her reckless actions enrage Axe Cop, who plans to get the perfect revenge on her.

If you are not familar with Tom, Amelia and Charlotte’s previous Axe Cop guest episodes, they stand out as some of my all time favorites.  They have a real synergy and Tom has a knack for getting the storytelling and style nailed for an Axe Cop comic.  Please, take a second and read those!

Axe Cop and Super Charlotte part one

Axe Cop VS Hulk Wonder

Nothing Beats Axe Cop! part one

Nothing Beats Axe Cop! part two

Not only that, but Tom, as the front man of a highly skilled Metal band called Lich King, wrote an Axe Cop metal song that is pretty amazing.  Check it out here.

Every thursday for about 15-16 weeks I will post new Ask Axe Cop episodes.  During this time, Malachai and I will be working on our new print-exclusive miniseries the American Choppers.  Please give Tom, Charlotte and Amelia a hearty welcome here and prepare for a lot of fun as they join in on the fun.

Also, if you did not catch it on Saturday, new episodes of Axe Cop are now airing on FOX.  Last week we got to meet Baby Man for the first time, amazingly voiced by Michael Madsen.

You are probably wondering where we go this storyline… well, we actually took the Telelscope Gun Cop story and put Baby Man in his place.  Something about him wasn’t working on the show, and Baby Man just brought a great level of creepy to the story that just worked.

Also, as mentioned before, if you get the FOXADHD app for your smart phone, you will be able to watch another new episode called the Night Creatures.

This coming weekend I will be at Coast City Comic Con in Portland, Maine!

Woo!  Thursday I will post a new Ask Axe Cop.  Next Tuesday I’m going to introduce Tom to you guys in a little interview and we will show off some images from his sketch book for the new story.  See you then!



Revenge is Coming!

Well, you made it to the end of Axe Cop Gets Married and you probably began to wonder what is next?  Well, here it is.  Prepare yourself for a historical Axe Cop event in two weeks, starting on November 19th .  The new Axe Cop story will be presented to you by the awesome artist Tom Martin (age 37), and written by his nieces, Charlotte O'Brien (age 9) and Amelia O'Brien (age 5).  Why historical?  Besides this being the first full-length Axe Cop story by someone  Malachai and me, it is also the first to be written by girls.  Revenge on Rainbow Girl is a strong, fun Axe Cop adventure, and  Tom has worked hard on it with Charlotte and Amelia.  This comic will post every Tuesday for the next 22 or so weeks.  What's it about?
Rainbow Girl is an enemy from Axe Cop's past. She can shoot rainbows out of her hands with some kind of hot stuff that can kill you. Also, she can flood a village with rainbows. She has a plan to take over the world, but her reckless actions enrage Axe Cop, who plans to get the perfect revenge on her.
If you are not familar with Tom, Amelia and Charlotte's previous Axe Cop guest episodes, they stand out as some of my all time favorites.  They have a real synergy and Tom has a knack for getting the storytelling and style nailed for an Axe Cop comic.  Please, take a second and read those! Axe Cop and Super Charlotte part one Axe Cop VS Hulk Wonder Nothing Beats Axe Cop! part one Nothing Beats Axe Cop! part two Not only that, but Tom, as the front man of a highly skilled Metal band called Lich King, wrote an Axe Cop metal song that is pretty amazing.  Check it out here. Every thursday for about 15-16 weeks I will post new Ask Axe Cop episodes.  During this time, Malachai and I will be working on our new print-exclusive miniseries the American Choppers.  Please give Tom, Charlotte and Amelia a hearty welcome here and prepare for a lot of fun as they join in on the fun. Also, if you did not catch it on Saturday, new episodes of Axe Cop are now airing on FOX.  Last week we got to meet Baby Man for the first time, amazingly voiced by Michael Madsen. You are probably wondering where we go this storyline... well, we actually took the Telelscope Gun Cop story and put Baby Man in his place.  Something about him wasn't working on the show, and Baby Man just brought a great level of creepy to the story that just worked. Also, as mentioned before, if you get the FOXADHD app for your smart phone, you will be able to watch another new episode called the Night Creatures. This coming weekend I will be at Coast City Comic Con in Portland, Maine! Woo!  Thursday I will post a new Ask Axe Cop.  Next Tuesday I'm going to introduce Tom to you guys in a little interview and we will show off some images from his sketch book for the new story.  See you then! Ethan    

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